❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy Weekly #23

The big news of this edition is the release of Grails 2.4, with standalone GORM and GSP, with more static compilation that even understands dynamic aspects of Grails, with a new asset pipeline, with GORM sub-queries, and with a new Maven plugin.

The other big news is that next week is the GR8Conf Europe week! So you’ll certainly see lots of nice and interesting presentations being put online next week. And I hope I’ll also be able to publish this weekly news brief in time too!


Groovy Weekly #22

Releases keep coming, with a second RC for Grails 2.4, with Gaelyk and Griffon upgrading to Groovy 2.3, and already a bug-fix release of Groovy with version 2.3.1!

Don’t forget it’s the last week to register to the GR8Conf Europe conference!





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Groovy 2.3.1 is out

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the bug fix release of Groovy 2.3.1.

Lots of bugs have been reported and fixed.

Some of the highlights among those fixes:

  • the classloader related problems with @Grab
  • several generics handling issues
  • a problem preventing Groovy from loading its modules on IBM mainframes
  • a problem preventing Groovy from being loaded as an OSGi module in certain OSGi containers

You can read the JIRA release notes, and download the latest distribution.


Groovy Weekly #21

Now that Groovy 2.3.0 is out, it’s going to be Grails turn! Graeme announced a release candidate for Grails 2.4, so take your chance to test drive it to make Grails 2.4 an awesome release!

Last but not least, you still have two weeks to buy your tickets for the GR8Conf Europe 2014!





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Groovy Weekly #20

Tthe big news of the week is the release of Groovy 2.3.0! With traits, support for running on JDK 8, new AST transformations, lightning fast JSON support, and more!

Be sure to read the Groovy 2.3.0 release notes to get all the juicy details!

And vote up the DZone link to make a bit of buzz on the small interview of Guillaume Laforge about the release.

Also, Hubert Klein Ikking was on a blogging spree, as he wrote many new items in the Groovy Goodness series with snippets showing the new features in action. So don’t miss those examples linked below!


Groovy 2.3.0 is out!

The Groovy development team is proud to announce the final release of Groovy 2.3.0!

Groovy 2.3 is the new major release of Groovy, featuring official support for running Groovy on JDK 8, traits, new and improved AST transformations like @TailRecursive, @Builder and @Sortable, a new NIO2 module with Path support, lightening fast JSON parsing and building, closure parameter type inference, a new markup template engine, Groovysh and GroovyConsole ease of use improvements, a new GroovyAssert test utility, more @BaseScript class capabilities, and more.


Groovy 2.3.0 RC 4 is out

To celebrate the International Workers’ Day (a holiday in half of the world’s countries, no less! including mine), we’re announcing the release of Groovy 2.3.0-RC-4.

Yes, RC-4 and not RC-3, as we’re still having some issues with our build and deployment infrastructure which made us have to skip a bit.

Thanks to your feedback, we managed to iron out some more issues and regressions we were having with the tricky generics handling.


Groovy Weekly #19

Another busy week for the Groovy ecosystem, with key releases of Groovy, Grails, Gradle, GPars, and CodeNarc! This can be labeled as a “release week”!





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Second release candidate of Groovy 2.3

The Groovy team is happy to announce the release of Groovy 2.3.0-rc-2. This should be the last release candidate until the final release in a couple days.

This release ironed out a few bugs, for instance in generics handling, or made the groovydoc tool aware of traits.

Note that the latest fixes in the traits support introduce a binary incompatibility compared to the previous release candidate.

You can have a look at the JIRA release notes: https://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10242&version=20357


Release candidate for Groovy 2.3

The Groovy team is happy to announce the first release candidate of Groovy 2.3!

The major changes between this version and the last beta include:

For more details on the changes in this version, please refer to the JIRA release notes.