❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy Weekly #18

The Easter bunny is delivering the latest Groovy Weekly column!

With your chocolate eggs, you’ll get some bits of functional programming, a tutorial on Groovy traits, details of the JSON serialization performance improvements, and also get the chance of voicing your feedback on things like Groovy’s support of Java 8 lambda syntax, on the Ratpack async support, and more.


  • groovy-comprehension is a groovy extension module / AST transformation which provides simple list comprehension functionality similar to that of Haskell, Scala or Python. Under the hood it’s a ‘monad’ comprehension but you don’t care about it for use.


  • Guillaume Laforge gave a brand new presentation on Groovy, at Devoxx France 2014, covering the novelties in the upcoming Groovy 2.3 release
  • Cédric Champeau spoke about Gradle vs Maven at the Devoxx France 2014 conference last week. The slides are in French, but even if you’re not speaking it, you should get some interesting tidbits from the code samples and links



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  • James Foley is currently looking to network with an experienced (3 years plus) Groovy/Grails Application Developer for an excellent on going contract OR contract to hire scenario. 100% Remote opportunity!


Groovy Weekly #17

Busy conference times:

Greach is over, but we’re lucky to get the next batch of presentations and videos online on the Greach Youtube channel.

The GR8Conf Europe early bird price has been extended for another week.

And Cédric and myself (Guillaume) are heading to the Devoxx France conference to speak about Groovy and Gradle.

While at the same time, the Groovy team is delivering a new beta for the lovely Groovy 2.3 release.


Second beta for Groovy 2.3

Hot on the heels of our first beta for Groovy 2.3, here’s already a second one!

We’ve received a lot of feedback, which is really awesome! Thanks a lot to all those who put the first beta to its pace and reported their findings.

The most important change in this release is that the groovy.jar no longer depends on ASM and Antlr.

It’s the first release ever of Groovy where the groovy.jar itself is jajar-ed like the groovy-all JAR, which means that the ASM and Antlr libraries are embeded (and translated to a different package) so that you don’t need to depend on those libraries in your projects, and run the risk of a version clash with other frameworks or libraries depending on differing versions.


Groovy Weekly #16

After the Groovy knights in Madrid, at the Greach conference, the Groovy team delivers the first beta of Groovy 2.3!

An impressive feature list: including traits, official JDK 8 support, tail recursion, NIO2 module, super fast JSON support, closure type inference, a new markup template engine, and much more.

You will also notice the new documentation shaping up but the Groovy Core team still looks forward to contributions to help with this gigantic task, so don’t hesitate to voice your will to help!


A beta release for Groovy 2.3

The Groovy team is very pleased to announce the first beta of the Groovy 2.3 release!

Groovy 2.3.0-beta-1 is actually already a feature-complete beta, so the release cycle towards the final version will be very short. Furthermore, Grails 2.4 is looking forward to integrating it rapidly as well for its upcoming major release too! So you can expect a general availability version of Groovy in the coming weeks, as we’ll move directly in “release candidate” mode after this beta. But your feedback, as usual, will be very important for trying out this beta in your respective projects, to tell us about any problem you might encounter.


Groovy Weekly #15

Although it’s April Fools day, I’ll spare you with some funny incredible surprise, but I will instead focus a lot on all the great, interesting and inspiring things that happened at the Greach 2014 conference, in Spain, Madrid. Also don’t miss the various links about the incoming support of traits in Groovy 2.3!




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Groovy Weekly #14

This week is a Spanish week! The Groovy community is moving towards Madrid (Spain) for the Greach conference, to talk about Groovy, Grails, Gradle, Spock, GrooScript, GPars, Gaelyk and more! Enjoy the conference, for the lucky ones attending, and otherwise, have fun reading the news below.



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Groovy Weekly #13

Hot on the heels of the Java 8 general availability good news, let’s have a look at the latest news of our beloved Groovy community!




  • Baruch Sadogursky discusses creating DSLs which support plugins written both in Groovy or Java, addressing good public API design practices, security, and classpath isolation. Presentation given at SpringOne2GX 2013

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Groovy Weekly #12

What can I tell you for this twelveth week? The Groovy ecosystem is still looking for students for the Google Summer of Code program, so if you know students that could be interested, please pass the message. Also notice the nice release train of Grails with its recent 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 releases, congrats to the team!




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Groovy Weekly #11

This is a bit of a special day for me today, as it’s my first daughter’s birthday, who just reached 6, a much younger age than my 10 years involvement in Groovy! And after eating a home-made vanilla French yogurt birthday cake, I’m happy to share with you the following news bits, in particular the nice releases of Groovy 2.2.2, of the first milestone of Grails 2.4, as well as of Ratpack 0.9.2.