❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy Weekly #10

Vacations won’t stop me from updating you about all the latest developments in the Groovy community! In this short introduction, I’d like to bring your attention to the fact that the Groovy ecosystem got accepted as an organization for the Google Summer of Code program. So if you are a student, or know students, or engineering schools, universities, etc, interested in contributing to projects of the Groovy ecosystem, please don’t hesitate to spread the word!


Groovy Weekly #9

An interesting column this week thanks to the major release of Griffon 1.5, but also a minor release of Grails 2.3.6 which brings the often requested standalone GORM support!




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Groovy Weekly #8

In Stockholm for the JFokus conference, I was happy to meet some of the members of the Groovy community, and had the chance to speak about the Groovy usage patterns and how companies integrate Groovy. But while I’m having fun in Sweden (with heaps of fever though), we are laying out the new infrastructure for the Groovy project with the help of JetBrains and JFrog, or work is underway to make Groovy’s JSON support the fastest around (more infor to come soon)! So it’s been a busy week!


Groovy Weekly #7




  • Hubert Klein Ikkink, alias MrHaki, presented Getting Groovy, at GR8Conf Europe 2013.
  • Ken Kousen advises Java developers how to do similar tasks in Groovy: building and testing applications, accessing both relational and NoSQL databases, accessing web services, and more.
  • At GR8Conf US 2013, Craig Atkinson presents the advantages of using the Geb functional testing library for creating robust and readable tests with both JUnit and Spock, and configuring Geb for testing across multiple browsers.
  • Recorded at GR8Conf US 2013, Kyle Boon reviews 3 frameworks for building RESTful WS (Grails, Dropwizard and Ratpack), comparing their code readability, maintainability, deployment, metrics collection, scalability and testability.
  • At SpringOne2GX 2013, Joe Rinehart discusses some of the essential security topics for Grails (and Java) Web applications, showing how Grails can make life easier and the pitfalls of attempting to secure highly dynamic code.
  • Ryan Vanderwerf explains setting up Terracotta and clustering a Grails application using Ehcache, HTTP Session in Tomcat, and Quartz. Recorded at GR8Conf US 2013.

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Groovy Weekly #6




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Other news



  • First meetup of the GR8 Ladies of Minneapolis on January 29th
  • The Call for Papers for the GR8Conf Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2nd-4th 2014) and GR8Conf US (Minneapolis, USA, on July 28th-29th 2014) conferences is now open
  • The Call for Papers for the Greach conference (Madrid, Spain, on March 28th and 29th 2014) is also open, till January 31st

Groovy crosses the 3 million downloads a year mark

Back in 2012, I was pretty happy and proud to see Groovy being used more and more, and reaching 1.7 million downloads in 2012. But the competition with other alternative language, I was personally not sure how those figures would evolve over the course of 2013. Fortunately, thanks to the hard work of the Groovy core development team and the friendly community and ecosystem, I’m happy to report an impressive ongoing growth for 2013: Groovy crosses the 3 million downloads a year mark!


Groovy Weekly #5

We all know the Groovy community is super active, buzzing with useful projects in the ecosystem, but it’s always interesting to see how our projects evolve in terms of usage. Guillaume Laforge, project lead of Groovy, computed some download statistics for Groovy, and showed Groovy almost doubled its downloads, from 1.7 million downloads in 2012 up to 3 million downloads in 2013! All that, thanks to the hard work of the Groovy core team and the friendly and supportive community.


Groovy Weekly #4

Here’s the fourth edition of the Groovy Weekly column! The holidays are gone, and tons of news are here for your consumption.





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  • As usual, the the Grails Diary is out, week 2 of 2014, by Jacob Aae Mikkelsen



  • Luke Daley is returning to his native Australia, but before leaving, he’ll be giving one last talk at the London Groovy Grails User Group on Gradle, Ratpack and more, on January 20th
  • The Call for Papers for the GR8Conf Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2nd-4th 2014) and GR8Conf US (Minneapolis, USA, on July 28th-29th 2014) conferences is now open
  • The Call for Papers for the Greach conference (Madrid, Spain, on March 28th and 29th 2014) is also open, till January 31st

Groovy Weekly #3

Happy New Year best wishes are still flowing around, and new year resolutions have been sealed, but despite the busy times and good moments spent with our families, the Groovy ecosystem is still abuzz with news! You’d think it’d be a quiet third edition of the Groovy Weekly column, but no, we’ve all been busy with Groovy stuff! So what’s in store?


  • Ratpack 0.9.0 has been released
  • Peter Ledbrook published version 0.6 of Lazybones with support for multiple template engines
  • Gernot Starke released v1.0 of pdfStamper, a small Griffon / Groovy-based utility to add page / chapter / header to pdf files
  • Ken Krebs released his version of gsheets, a lightweight DSL wrapper over Apache POI, that is intended to make extracting data from, or pushing data to spreadsheets simple and declarative. It can be used with Groovy 1.8, Grails 2 and Java 6+.
  • Yoshiya Hinosawa created a Gradle plugin for CoverAlls.IO, a service which gathers your code coverage for history and analytics purpose



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Don’t forget you can contribute to this weekly column of Groovy news, and that you can subscribe through a newsletter.


Groovy Weekly #2

For the second Groovy Weekly column, on the eve of a new year, I’d like to wish you a very Groovy year, and share with you the following links, hoping you’ll have some spare time to look into them while you’re celebrating.


  • A new project appeared on the Groovy ecosystem radar: Grain, announced by Victor Vlasenko on the Groovy mailing-list. Grain is a promising lightweight and yet powerful static website generator for Groovy which purpose is to make demanding site implementation an intuitive and enjoyable. Grain framework is equally well-suited for any static website, whether it is a complex and sophisticated company site or a simple and neat blog. The framework applies elegant website building concepts and allows to develop rapidly by making and seeing changes on the fly.
  • Kunal Dabir created a Lazybone template for creating Groovy libraries readily publishable to Bintray, CI with Travis-CI, with a Gradle build and wrapper, a .gitignore file and more.
  • Last week we mentioned the release of CodeNarc 0.20, and the associated CodeNarc Eclipse plugin has also been released
  • Andrés Almiray released Gipsy, an AST transformation to simplify the use of the Service Provider Interface, similar to the Jipsy annotation processing toolkit he also created:
  • Stergios Papadimitriou shares with us his project, GroovyLab, a MATLAB-like environment for the Java Virtual Machine. GroovyLab is an open source project based on the Groovy language. GroovyLab is efficient and can be an interesting open-source alternative to commercial packages, especially for the scientific community familiar with Java. The article introduces the architecture of GroovyLab and presents some examples of using GroovyLab to do useful work.


Presentations from SpringOne2GX

  • In this presentation on InfoQ, recorded at SpringOne2GX, Burt Beckwith discusses performing transactions in Grails, covering services, customizing transaction attributes (isolation, propagation levels), two-phase commit, using JMS, and testing the code
  • Again recorded at SpringOne2GX, Paul King speaks about leveraging Groovy for capturing business rules, illustrated with various DSLs written in Groovy, highlighting several logic solving APIs and looks at the pros and cons of the various approaches (including tool support, flexibility, lock-in)


Mailing-list discussions



Other news


  • GrailsConf India, organized by IntelliGrape Software, is taking place in New Delhi, India, on January 11th
  • The Call for Papers for the GR8Conf Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 2nd-4th 2014) and GR8Conf US (Minneapolis, USA, on July 28th-29th 2014) conferences is now open
  • The Call for Papers for the Greach conference (Madrid, Spain, on March 28th and 29th 2014) is also open, till January 31st

Happy New Year!

Almost the end of the year! On behalf of the Groovy development team, let me wish you the best and grooviest year for 2014!