❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy 2.1 is released

Here’s my announcement for the Groovy 2.1 release, and be sure to check out the full release notes of the release! The Groovy team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.1.0. With over 1.7 million downloads in 2012, a strong ecosystem, Groovy continues its development and adoption, refines existing features and evolves new ones. In this new release, Groovy 2.1: offers full support for the JDK 7 “invoke dynamic” bytecode instruction and API, Read more...

Brownie dans un mug

L’autre jour sur Facebook, je suis tombé sur cette liste de “life-hacks”, dont certains sont vraiment malins… et parmi eux, il y avait une recette de brownie dans un mug. Je l’ai retrouvée là, mais j’ai également trouvé d’autres variantes, comme celle de Lindt. Du coup, par gourmandise et pour faire plaisir à ma fille, nous nous sommes concocté notre propre version de ces deux recettes, que je vous livre aujourd’hui ! Read more...

First beta of Groovy 2.1 released

Since the world didn’t seem to end today, it is with great pleasure that we bring under your Christmas tree the following presents: the release of Groovy 2.1.0-beta-1 and Groovy 2.0.6. Groovy 2.0.6 is a bug fix release for our Groovy 2.0.X line, whereas Groovy 2.1.0-beta-1 contains new features. You can download Groovy at the usual location: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download The JIRA release notes can be found here: Groovy 2.1.0-beta-1: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10242&version=18598 Groovy 2. Read more...

GPars reaches 1.0!

Václav Pech just announced the final release of GPars 1.0, the concurrency and parallel toolkit for Groovy and Java. We’ll bundle GPars 1.0 in the Groovy 2.1 distribution coming very soon! Let me quote some of the key changes and enhancements of this release (quoting from the “what’s new” section of the user guide): Asynchronous functions Allowed for delayed and explicit thread pool assignment strategies for asynchronous functions Performance tuning to the asynchronous closure invocation mechanism Parallel collections Read more...

InfoQ's readers JVM languages research

InfoQ is running a reader-driven survey titled “What’s your next JVM language”. Among the candidates to be ranked, you’ll find: Groovy Java 8 Ceylon Kotlin Clojure Scala Xtend Fantom Mirah As well as the languages ported to the JVM like: JRuby Jython Javascript (Rhino and soon Nashorn) Erlang Scheme The interesting aspect of the survey is that it’s not just a mere poll, but you can rank those JVM languages across two criterion: the percentage of lines of code (less or more), and the adoption (like now, in 3 months, in a year). Read more...

Groovy sessions at JavaOne 2012

Monday I’ll be flying to San Francisco for the JavaOne conference, where there will be tons of sessions and BOF speaking about Groovy or mentioning it, and where I’ll be participating at two sessions, one of the novelties of Groovy 2 and the ScriptBowl. Let me highlight a few of those sessions: What’s new in Groovy 2 Shameless plug, that’s my session, where I speak about some of the key features of Groovy 1. Read more...

Groovy 2.0.4 is out

The Groovy development team’s just released Groovy 2.0.4, a bug fix for our Groovy 2.0 branch. It fixes some important issues we’ve had with generics with the stub generator, as well as several fixes related to the static type checking and static compilation features. We also worked on the recompilation issues with the GroovyScriptEngine. You can download Groovy 2.0.4 here: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download The artifacts are not yet on Maven Central, but will shortly. Read more...

Groovy 2.0.2 and 1.8.8

I’ll echo here the two new releases of the Groovy programming language: This is with great pleasure that the Groovy development team announces the releases of Groovy 2.0.2 and Groovy 1.8.8. Those two releases are essentially just bug fix releases, with only minor improvements. In particular, work has been done in the area of the static type checker and static compilation, in the GroovyScriptEngine, as well as further performance improvements for the “invoke dynamic” support as well as plain Groovy. Read more...

Also back to vi... MacVim actually

Some of my friends are going back to vi like me, for instance Hibernate’s Emmanuel and IzPack’s Julien. I also mentioned a few good links about that move on the French Les Castcodeurs podcast. And to be precise, I’m using MacVim on my MacBook Pro laptop, but also vim on the command-line. Emmanuel and Julien gave some good tips and links too, and like Julien, I’m going to show you my current . Read more...

Three joint releases of Groovy!

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the releases of Groovy 2.0.1, 1.8.7 and 1.7.11! That’s the first time we release three versions at the same time. Those three versions are essentially just bug fix releases. The 1.8.7 release contains a lot of the bugfixes that were already integrated in Groovy 2.0.0, so it’s just an alignment with the Groovy 2 branch. In the future, Groovy 1.8.x and Groovy 2. Read more...