❯ Guillaume Laforge

Algorithms for collaborative editing

Over the weekend, I was brainstorming some ideas about what a second generation Groovy Web Console could look like. I was particularly thinking about collaborative editing Groovy snippets of code in the cloud. There’s a trend towards IDEs in the Cloud, like for instance Cloud-IDE, allowing you to work on your projects remotely, on the cloud, from the comfort of your browser, even letting you push new versions of your apps in your favorite PaaS. Read more...

Minor new features of Groovy 2.0

Although I’ve gone at length through the key major features of Groovy 2.0in the InfoQ article, there have been a few smaller ones which are interesting to note. And groovy guys like Tim Yates, André Steingress or Mr Hakki were quick to blog about them! inject() method with a default initial value takeWhile() and dropWhile() methods withDefault(), withEager() methods matchesPartially() method for matchers (to see if a string might match a pattern given more input) @NotYetImplemented transformation for test cases an iterable collectEntries() variant first() and last() working with iterables as well collate() method (although it’s also in 1. Read more...

Building your Groovy 2.0 projects with Maven

There are various options for building your Groovy projects: including Ant with the Groovyc Ant task, or with Gradle Groovy plugin. But today, I’d like to speak about Maven. You have actually two possible choices: GMaven or the Groovy Eclipse Maven plugin. GMaven GMaven 1.4 already allowed you to use Groovy 2.0 even before the final release of Groovy, although a new 1.5 version is about to be released soon, which should also include the option to use the “invoke dynamic” support which is currently missing for GMaven 1. Read more...

Groovy 2.0 support in Eclipse

Right after the release of Groovy 2.0, our intrepid Eclipse team released a new version of the Groovy Eclipse plugin. The big highlights are, of course, the Groovy 2.0 support, but also the support of Juno and the move of the sources of the plugin to GitHub, plus some new refactorings and quickfixes. Here’s Andrew’s full announcement: Hot on the heels of Groovy 2.0, we are pleased to announce the release of Groovy-Eclipse 2. Read more...

What's new in Groovy 2.0

The newly released Groovy 2.0 brings key static features to the language with static type checking and static compilation, adopts JDK 7 related improvements with Project Coin syntax enhancements and the support of the new “invoke dynamic” JVM instruction, and becomes more modular than before. In this article, we’re going to look into those new features in more detail. A “static theme” for a dynamic language Static type checking Groovy, by nature, is and will always be a dynamic language. Read more...

Groovy 2.0 released!

The Groovy development team is very pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.0, the highly popular dynamic language for the Java platform. For the key highlights of this important milestone, Groovy 2.0 comes packed with: a static type checker to let the compiler tell you about the correctness of your code, static compilation for the performance of the critical parts of your application, modularity, splitting the Groovy JAR into smaller feature-oriented JARs and letting you create your own extension modules, JDK 7 Project Coin syntax enhancements, so that Groovy is still as friendly as possible with its Java cousin, and JDK 7 Invoke Dynamic integration to benefit from the support of the JVM for dynamic languages. Read more...

A bit of functional tests and concurrency for Gaelyk

Along with the release of Gaelyk 1.2, I’d like to share two interesting links about running functional tests with Geb, and concurrency / parallelism with GPars on Gaelyk. Gaelyk functional testing with Geb In the Groovy ecosystem, we’re all aware of the Spock testing framework. On top of Spock, you can use the Geb browser automation library, to easily create functional tests for your web applications, in a nice, readable and expressive fashion. Read more...

Release candidate of Groovy 2.0 available

This is with great pleasure that the development team announces the release candidate of Groovy 2.0. For the impatient among you, you can download Groovy 2.0 RC-1 in the download area of the Groovy website. And read the JIRA changelog. The big change in this release candidate is the modularity aspect. We’ve now fully switched to Gradle, as our build tool, to build a more modular Groovy. You still have a big “all” JAR, but if you’re interested in just picking the core JAR and the needed modules for your project, you can now do so. Read more...

Gaelyk 1.2 is out!

I’m very pleased to announce the release of Gaelyk 1.2! For the impatient, you’ll be able to find the new JAR and Template Project here, as well as the changelog: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/download You’ll notice that the new template project uses Twitter Bootstrap now, to make it a bit fancier and nicer on the eye! We also upgraded to the latest and greatest of Groovy and App Engine’s SDK. In terms of new features, I’d like to particularly highlight: Read more...

Why coming to #GR8Conf?

I was reading MrHaki’s interview on the GR8Conf website this morning, and he had some nice words and good points about why it’s important to attend the conference. You get to meet the creators and developers of the projects you’re interested in and have great content (emphasis mine): I am looking forward to meeting all the great people that make up the Groovy ecosystem. Everybody is always nice, friendly and ready to help. Read more...