❯ Guillaume Laforge

Caelyf 0.1, a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Cloud Foundry

I’m very happy to announce the release of Caelyf 0.1, a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Cloud Foundry.

Caelyf is inspired by the Gaelyk project, and actually borrows most of its code base. Its goal is to let you write apps using Groovy scripts and templates, and then deploy them on the Cloud Foundry platform.

Caelyf is Open Source, released under the Apache 2 license.

Its source code is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/glaforge/caelyf Which means you will also be able to use the issue tracker from GitHub to file bugs or feature requests. And of course, if you want to contribute to the project, you’re just one pull request away!


Groovy 1.8.5 and second beta of 2.0 out

The Groovy development team has just announced a joint release of Groovy 1.8.5 and a second beta of the upcoming 2.0 release.
We’d be happy to hear your feedback on the static type checking support and the experimental static compilation as well.
Here’s the official announcement:

The Groovy development team is happy to deliver two new releases as early Christmas presents: Groovy 1.8.5 and 2.0-beta-2.

While we work hard on Invoke Dynamic support, Static Type Checking and some experimental static compilation, we also find time to fix a good load of bugs and some minor improvements, as those two releases here are essentially minor incremental versions.


Videos and slides of Groovy / Grails eXchange 2011

A week ago ended the latest edition of the Groovy & Grails eXchange 2011 conference in London, organized by the fine and lovely folks of SkillsMatter.

The organizers have a great setup which allows them to record and publish all the presentations almost live! And I’d like in this post to give you a link to each and every presentation that was given during the conference:

First day:

Second day:


InfoQ interview: Latest Happenings and Future of Groovy

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Rick Hightower for InfoQ, on the features of Groovy 1.8, and also what we’re working on for Groovy 2.0.

If you’re interested, here’s the article: Latest Happenings and Future of Groovy 1.8, 2.0 and Beyond

Handy Gradle startup script

Dierk published a gist on GitHub with a handy Gradle build script to help you bootstrap a Gradle-built project from scratch, without having to create the directory layout manually, or install the Gradle wrapper.

This is pretty neat and should be integrated in Gradle to ease the creation of projects!

I’ve updated the gist with a more recent version of Groovy and Gradle.

And so that I never forget about this handy Gradle build script, I’m blogging about it and reproducing it here, to save me precious minutes finding it again the next time I need it! So without further ado, here’s the script in question:


Coming back to the new Google App Engine pricing policy

In a recent article, I was complaining about the new Google App Engine pricing policy. Obviously, as I have a few applications deployed on App Engine, and as I’m developing Gaelyk, a lightweight toolkit for this platform, I was worried about being heavily affected by those changes.

In this article, I’d like to do a short summary of my experience so far.

I have close to 10 applications deployed on Google App Engine. Most are just demos that nobody ever accesses. But three of them are quite important to me:


Gaelyk 1.1 released

Gaelyk 1.1 has just been released!
Gaelyk is a lightweight toolkit for writing and deploying Groovy apps on Google App Engine.
In this version, all the components have been updated to their latest versions:

This blog is now running Gaelyk 1.1 pretty happily!
You should be able to see the announcement on the Gaelyk Google group for the details, but here’s the list of changes:

  • Upgraded to Groovy 1.8.4 and App Engine SDK 1.6.0


Latest Groovy releases and roadmap updates

On this post on the Groovy website, we’ve announced the releases of Groovy 1.8.4 and the first beta of 2.0, as well as cover some updates on the roadmap.

In a nutshell, the big highlights are the static type checking support and invoke dynamic support. We’re also going to investigate whether it makes sense to also cover static compilation. And we’ve also announced a new version numbering scheme, to move Groovy forward.


A Groovy page on Google+

With Google+ releasing its new “page” feature, I’ve created a page for the Groovy project on Google+. The idea is to post some regular updates on what’s going on in the Groovy project, its ecosystem, and share any interesting article that’s of interest to those using Groovy.

SpringOne2GX, Chicago, this week

It’s the conference season. After JavaOne, comes SpringOne2GX, in Chicago, this week (October 25th till 28th). Then Greach in Madrid (Spain), Devoxx in Antwerp (Belgium) and we’ll finish with Groovy/Grails eXchange in London (UK).

In Chicago this week, we’ll have 4 tracks dedicated to Groovy, Grails, and the big Groovy ecosystem (Gradle, Griffon, Spock, Geb…) over three days. That’s a lot of sessions and speakers ready to tell you all about what’s rocking in our world!