โฏ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy 1.8.2 and 1.9-beta-3 are in the wild

This is with great pleasure that the Groovy development team announces the joint releases of Groovy 1.8.2 and 1.9-beta-3. The big highlight of this release is the completion of the primitive type arithmetics performance optimizations. Microbenchmarks affictionados should be happy, and those wanting to do some number crunching should see better results with these improvements. Other than that, those two releases are essentially about bug fixes.

You can have a look at the release notes here: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10242&version=17494


Google App Engine's new pricing model

I’m quite disappointed by Google App Engine’s new pricing model.

I was aware of the changes, the upcoming prices and quotas, but I wasn’t expecting my small low-trafic apps to go beyond the free quotas, and force me to have to pay for those small Gaelyk apps!

The big problem is the cost of the “frontend instance hours”. An app running all the time, with low trafic, but enough to keep a frontend instance running all day will cost you 30 bucks a month with this new pricing policy.


CamelCaseCon Groovy conference in Germany

If you’re in Germany, don’t miss the CamelCaseCon conference in Dรผsseldorf! A conference dedicated to the Groovy ecosystem: Groovy, Grails, Gradle, CodeNarc and Spock.
Dierk Kรถnig, Hans Dokter, Peter Niederwieser, Joachim Bauman, Stefan Glase, will cover all these Groovy-related topics, so you’ll hear the latest news from renowned experts.

On CloudFoundry micro-cloud

VMware released the announced CloudFoundry micro-cloud.
First, what is that micro-cloud about? From the announcement on the website:

Micro Cloud Foundry is a complete version of Cloud Foundry that runs in a virtual machine on a developerโ€™s Mac or PC. It is a full instance of Cloud Foundry that provides the flexibility of local development while preserving your options for future deployment and scaling of your applications.

I’m quite happy that this virtualized version of the real CloudFoundry is available, as this will greatly simplify the process for developing and testing your application locally.


Already 8 years of Groovy!

Today is the 8th birthday of the Groovy dynamic language project!

I hardly believe I’ve been involved with the project for almost as long! I started contributing to the project very early, but only became committer 4 months or so later. It’s been such a great fun, great ride, meeting all those great persons, and seeing the community forming around the project, and further along, the wealth of satellite projects!

There are still so many good things ahead of us, but we already have a solid, healthy, successful and popular project project, and that’s also thanks to all our users, and those who contributed in a way or another. So thanks to you all for all those great years!


Gaelyk 1.0 is out

I’m very happy to announce the final release of Gaelyk 1.0, the lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine!
It took some time to get to 1.0, but it’s now here, with the key feature I’ve been missing since the beginning of the project, in particular the Query DSL which allows you to write queries like this one:

def latestArticles = datastore.execute {  
    select all from articles  
    sort desc by dateCreated  
    where author == params.author  
    limit 10  

If you want to learn more about this lightweight framework, head over to: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/
You can learn everything through the tutorial.



It was time I rebooted my old blog! It used to be in PHP, and it’s time to move to the next millenium with a blog engine written in Groovy, using the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit, and deployed on Google App Engine.

Groovy 1.8-final is out the door!

The Groovy development team is really pleased and proud to announce the release of the final version of Groovy 1.8.0!

After a lot of work and efforts throughout four betas and four release candidates, version 1.8 of Groovy has been long in the making, but is packed with tons of new features and enhancements, for your productivity, and your pleasure. In particular, you’ll be happy to learn about:

To get all the details, with code samples, we have prepared an in-depth release notes document. Please have a look at it to learn more about the features listed above, and discover other smaller enhancements as well.


GR8Conf Europe 2011 - a conference dedicated to the Groovy Ecosystem

It is this time of the year: GR8Conf Europe 2011 is ready to rock the Groovy world!

Register now to save โ‚ฌ300 with the Early Bird rate!

Three days packed with Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Gradle, Spock, GPars, Gaelyk, AST transformations, GContracts, Grails Plugins development, and lots of other gr8 stuff.

This year, the conference is growing. We kick of the conference with a university day, with two tracks, one intermediate and one advanced, with workshops and hands-on training:


New important milestone for Gaelyk, with version 0.6 released

I’m very pleased to announce the release of Gaelyk 0.6.

This new version is a pretty significant milestone, both in terms of features and quality. We’re really approaching a final 1.0 version!

Here’s a list of the novelties, updates, and bug fixes.

  • Updated to GAE SDK 1.4.0 and Groovy 1.7.6
  • Channel service added in the binding and added a convenient method for sending messages
  • Ability to specify the “warmup request” handler through a route definition
  • Added app.gaelyk.version in the binding
  • Use a servlet context listener for initializing the plugin system
  • Initial support for the asynchronous datastore
  • Updated the task queue enhancements to use the new package (as task queues migrated from labs)
  • Introduced a Gradle build script for building Gaelyk itself
  • Increased the code coverage of the project to over 82%
  • Added before{} request and after{} request lifecycle hooks to plugins
  • Added initial Eclipse project files in the template project
  • Fixed a bug with ignore URL routes which triggered NPEs after the capabilities routing was added
  • Corrected typos in the tutorials

Be careful, however, as there are two breaking changes compared to previous versions: