❯ Guillaume Laforge

Code name for IntelliJ IDEA 5.0

IntelliJ IDEA 4.0 is not yet out of its Early Access Program phase that a discussion already started in the forums for the code name of the next EAP cycle. There are already a few propositions for the next code name. Among them: StarGate (hmm, not that good) Avani (which means earth in some indian languages) Stella (which will not be used because it was already used for IDEA 2.0 for those who remember) Avalon (already used by Microsoft’s new UI framework, and the Apache Avalon framework) Rhea (suggested internally at JetBrains by Eugene Belyaev) Aardvark (maybe too harsh to pronounce) Atlantis (mythological sunken island) Athena (greek goddess) Lachesis, Clotho or Athropos (the three moirae) Ananke (necessity), Erebus Vedra (as in Vedra Valles) Miranda (that’s my suggestion, already used by Miranda-IM, and it reminds something to outlaws in the US) Olesya (CVS integration developer), Katja or Laika (first female dog in space) Derivations of Simple (Simplex, Simplicity, SimpleA…) Dione (another Greek goddess) Aphrodite, Athena, Adonis (to stick with “A” and the Greek mythology) Artemida (tiger hunter… JDK 1. Read more...

Groovy: a sample script

In the IntelliJ forums, I came across an off-topic (but funny) post by Robert Gibson who was wondering : Somebody told me once that there are only two words in the English language which contain each vowel, once only, in alphabetical order. Anybody know what the other one is? Indeed, there are more than two words corresponding to those constraints. I then wrote a little Java class which took all the words of a words file (with 100k words) and tested if they matched a regexp corresponding to those constraints. Read more...

Some good rules for an efficient ant build script

Some time ago I came across an interesting article on Apache’s wiki entitled (Apache Wiki: The Elements Of Ant Style. It’s a very thourough overview of good practices for writing clean, readable, reusable and efficient Ant build files. Today, through magpiebrain, I read on OnJava another very interesting and concise article giving 15 Ant best practices. It’s much shorter than the previous article on Apache’s wiki, but still, with those 15 practices you’ll manage to improve some messy build scripts. Read more...

Une gouache de macareux

Voici un nouveau tableau que j’ai réalisé à la gouache. Il s’agit de trois petits macareux, que j’ai peints pour offrir en guise de cadeau de Noël pour ma mère… Encore une chance qu’elle n’a pas internet chez elle, sinon, elle pourrait découvrir la surprise avant l’heure !

LOAF : a Groovy implementation

LOAF is taking the community by storm. I do firmly believe it gonna rock the world. Social software is the way to go : the next revolution. But as far as I know there were no LOAF implementation in Groovy, a promising programming language. So let’s see how simple it is to write a LOAF implementation using Groovy: class LOAF { static main(args) { def loaf = new LOAF() } } I’m a beginner in Groovy, so use at your own risk. Read more...

Wiki-like Java HTML editor !

Well, sometimes, we happend to make some fun stuff at work. Don’t we ? Currently, we’re developping a RAD tool for creating applications using a framework we’ve been developping for some time already. It’s a classical Swing app. We decided to create a contextual help system : Each time a component is selected in the GUI (whether it be a tabbed pane or a node in a JTree), we show the corresponding help page in another frame that the user may show or hide as he wishes when he needs some help. Read more...

Halloween Jukebox

It’s soon Halloween ! If you’re making a party at home, like my girl friend and me, you’ll want to frighten your friends a little bit. Some make-up, some fancy closes, some pumpkins, etc… and some… hhoorrriibblleee soooouuunnnndddsss ! I found on the net some nice wave sounds like evil laugthers, screams, ghosts noises, etc. Stéphanie wanted to make a Windows Media Player playlist with those sounds. Cool… But as a Java Geek, I decided to make something better ! Read more...

IntelliJ IDEA : ShowEncoding plugin

A bit more than a year ago, I wrote some utility classes related to file encodings/charsets. Those classes got integrated to IntelliJ IDEA. Those classes are useful for knowing the encoding of a byte array, or a file, or an input stream. You’ll be able to know whether your file is encoded using UTF-8, or whether it used ISO-8859-1, or windows’ specific windows-1252. Unfortunately, inside IntelliJ IDEA, it is not currently possible to know the charset of the files edited. Read more...

Unicode, charset, encodings

Today, through Java blogs, I came across Joel Spolsky’s post regarding The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets. I have to recommend anybody curious about i18n issues to read this very good introduction. I wish I had read that before, two years ago, when I had to deal with different file encodings ;-) This article remind me of one of my old home projects, back in the summer 2002. Read more...

Une esquisse de Renaud

Inspiré par Titouan Lamazou, j’ai immité le geste du peintre en barbouillant une feuille de Canson, je vous laisse admirer le résultat.