Initial release of the GroovyJ IntelliJ plugin!
Franck Rasolo, our IntelliJ expert, just released and announced the inital version of the GroovyJ IntelliJ IDEA plugin!
The Groovy team is pleased to announce the first public release of GroovyJ, a plug-in that integrates the Groovy language into IntelliJ IDEA.
You may browse the current GroovyJ status page which lists the features shipped with this initial release.
In a nutshell, with GroovyJ:
- a default Groovy runtime is automatically installed as a global library
- Groovy files can be edited with some amount of syntax highlighting
- ‘Run Configurations’ can be created for runnable Groovy scripts
- Groovy scripts can be run with the output being captured in the embedded console window
- Groovy scripts located under module source/test folders will be automatically compiled when compiling modules
Note: This plug-in is available through IDEA’s plug-in manager and requires IntelliJ IDEA 5.0 build #3378 or higher.