❯ Guillaume Laforge

Gaelyk 1.0 is out

I’m very happy to announce the final release of Gaelyk 1.0, the lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine!
It took some time to get to 1.0, but it’s now here, with the key feature I’ve been missing since the beginning of the project, in particular the Query DSL which allows you to write queries like this one:

def latestArticles = datastore.execute {  
    select all from articles  
    sort desc by dateCreated  
    where author == params.author  
    limit 10  

If you want to learn more about this lightweight framework, head over to: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/
You can learn everything through the tutorial.

And download the JAR or the template project.

Should you want to ask questions on the Google Groups, get involved in the community, participate in the development of this Open Source project, have a look at our community page.

This release wouldn’t have been possible with all the great contributions of you all, your pull requests on GitHub, your Gradle plugins, your bug reports, your questions on the Google Group, etc. So I’d like to tell you all a big thank you for all your work and contributions. They were very much appreciated, and keep them coming!
The change log:

Additionally, this very blog post you are now reading is actually powered by a new sample app, the bloogaey blog engine, developed with Gaelyk 1.0.

If you’re interested in this blog engine, head over to the bloogaey project on GitHub. You’re welcome to fork it to suit your needs, and to help improving it with pull requests!