Joins us for GR8Conf Europe! Early bird price ending soon.
Like every year, GR8Conf Europe takes place in the beautiful city of Copenhagen in Denmark. It’s where all the talented and cool Groovy ecosystem folks meet, and spread the love about their technologies, including Groovy, Grails, Gradle, Spock, GPars, and more.
I’ll be speaking about the latest developments on the Groovy 2.x branch, and what our plans are going forward. You can also have a look at the preliminary agenda published on the GR8Conf website, to see familiar names like Jürgen Höller, Venkat Subramaniam, Dierk König, Graeme Rocher, Burt Beckwith, Mr Haki, Luke Daley, Russel Winder… You’re sure to find some great content delivered by the experts themselves!
I’d also like to highlight that you should hurry up to register if you want to benefit from the Early Bird registration price! This agressive price last for a couple more days, so be fast!