Groovy Weekly #9
An interesting column this week thanks to the major release of Griffon 1.5, but also a minor release of Grails 2.3.6 which brings the often requested standalone GORM support!
- Grails 2.3.6 released, including GORM standalone support
- Griffon 1.5 is released
- Cédric Champeau details in a two parts article his work on a new template engine for Groovy, that is fast, can be type checked and statically compiled
- Second part of the article from Cédric Champeau about his new markup template engine for Groovy with advanced explanations about static type checking extensions and static compilation
- More on the Groovy client for the Light-Table IDE
- André Steingreß covers Java-based configuration with Grails
- Marco Vermeulen explains how to deploy apps like Ratpack, Spring Boot or Dropwizard on Heroku thanks to Gradle
- VoltDB integrates Groovy for its datastore inline procedure language
- An article on RelProxy, a project for a hot class reloader and scripting for Java and Groovy
- Enum to Switch on Class types in Java and Groovy
- Ken Kousen presents advanced Groovy features, such as closure coercion, mixins, simple runtime metaprogramming, operator overloading, drop and take, overlooked methods in the Groovy JDK, and more (recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013)
- Greg Turnquist demoes using Spring Mail, Security, REST, GridFS, Bootstrap and jQuery in a production grade Grails application
- John Engelman presents a talk on enterprise Grails with Spring Batch for batch processing
Mailing-list discussions
- Rick Hightower’s been working on the new JSON parser for Groovy 2.3 to give Groovy the fastest JSON parser available on the JVM, and along with Andrey Blochestov they are also looking at making the creation of JSON payloads also super fast
Code snippets
- Andrés Almiray on the simplicity of functional testing for Griffon applications
- Miguel de la Cruz shows his experiment with a minimal web server implemented with Ratpack
- Griffon 1.5 available through GVM
- GVM now offers Gradle 1.11 too
- Johannes Link, contributor of the @TailRecursive transformation for Groovy 2.3, compared the performance of @TailRecursive on methods vs trampoline() on closures, and indicate that the performance advantage is for @TailRecursive
- Dave Syer shows an example of a Spring Boot controller written in Groovy that outputs JSON
- Bobby Warner notes that the Asset pipeline plugin replaces the resources plugin by default from Grails 2.4 onward
Other news
- The @TailRecursive transformation has been contributed by Johannes Link and Cédric Champeau merged the pull request into the Groovy 2.3 branch
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Week #7 of the Grails diary
- The final version of the Gradle in Action eBook is available
- Registration for GR8Conf Europe 2014 is open
- You can find the Greach conference on Lanyard
- A new Groovy user group in Warsaw, Poland
- Peter Ledbrook is speaking about why your build matters, and the importance of Gradle