Groovy Weekly #10
Vacations won’t stop me from updating you about all the latest developments in the Groovy community! In this short introduction, I’d like to bring your attention to the fact that the Groovy ecosystem got accepted as an organization for the Google Summer of Code program. So if you are a student, or know students, or engineering schools, universities, etc, interested in contributing to projects of the Groovy ecosystem, please don’t hesitate to spread the word!
- Andrés Almiray releases v0.0.1 of the LiveReload plugin for Gradle
- Ongoing work on the LightTable IDE support for Groovy
- Vladimír Oraný releases a Simple Fixtures project, similar to Grails Fixture plugin
- A tutorial on using GORM from a Spring Boot application
- Magnus Rundberget blogs about how he’s implementing Groovy code evaluation in his Light Table Groovy plugin
- Howard Lewis Ship explains how to overrule third-party dependencies in case of conflicts with Gradle
- Bobby Warner discusses the features available in Grails 2.3 to build RESTful APIs, at SpringOne2GX 2013
- Jeff Beck posted his slides of the presentation he made at the Groovy MN user group about Grails and Cassandra
- Andrey Cheptsov explores some of the IntelliJ IDEA’s tricky features helping Groovy&Grails developers to be more productive. Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2013.
- Dan Vega gives an intro to Spring Security core for Grails
Code snippets
- Stéphane Maldini shows an integration of Ratpack and Reactor for asynchronous REST
- Kunal Dabir releases version 0.5 of Gstorm, a mini-ORM for relational databases, and shows an example with the new annotations
- An AST Transformation for debugging scripts which prints information at the beginning of the script, before each statement, and the end of the script
- Guillaume Laforge announces the participation of the Groovy community to the Google Summer of Code program
- Guillaume Laforge calls for students who want to contribute to the Groovy ecosystem during the Google Summer of Code. Please spread the word, if you know students, schools or universities willing to participate!
- Tim Yates shares a Spring Boot project using GORM configured with Hibernate and Mysql
- Dan Woods updates his Gradle Provisioning plugin with ISO building capability and registering as HVM AMIs at Amazon
- Spring Boot 1.0 rc-3 is available through GVM
- The Gradle Summit 2014 is opening its Call for Papers
- A tweet from Dierk König saying that GPars is put to good use, with its Agent, DataFlow, KanbanFlow and async functions, in OpenDolphin
- Magnus Rundberget celebrates the 330th downloads of the Gradle Buster.JS plugin, to automate running Buster.JS tests from CI and local development
Other news
- Keegan Witt published the GMaven+ documentation on Codehaus’ wiki
- Cédric Champeau developed a Groovy build step plugin for TeamCity, for the needs of the Groovy project infrastructure
- John Engelman mentions the new documentation for the Grails Gradle plugin
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen publishes the Grails Diary with the usual updates on all things Grails
- Gradle in Action is now available in print, and soon in ePub & Kindle edition too
- Still doorbusters tickets available for GR8Conf Europe 2014, be fast to get the best price!
- Gradle Summit 2014 is calling for presenters!