Groovy Weekly #12
What can I tell you for this twelveth week? The Groovy ecosystem is still looking for students for the Google Summer of Code program, so if you know students that could be interested, please pass the message. Also notice the nice release train of Grails with its recent 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 releases, congrats to the team!
- Grails 2.3.7 release
- Grain 0.6 released
- Noam Tenne releases a Java API on top of GVM’s API
- Andrés Almiray releases Gipsy 0.4 (Service Provider Interface simplification)
- Schalk Cronjé releases v0.4 of his Groovy VFS library (Virtual File System)
- GVM’s SDK jumps to version 0.5.2
- Marco Vermeulen blogs about the GVM Software Development Kit
- David Estes introduces Karman, a standardized, multi-provider, easy-to-use, Grails based storage interface, currently only supporting Amazon S3 but that should end up supporting also Rackspace CDN or Google Cloud Storage
- What is Groovy? is the first article of the upcoming series encouraging programmers to start writing their applications in Groovy. This particular article provides a basic background of Groovy and a number of code snippets proving its supremacy over Java.
- Creating paginated archives in Grain
- Creating a custom website or theme with Grain
- Tim Yates is enhancing his Groovy Stream library with some further Java 8 lambda support
- If you speak Spanish, you might be interested in having a look at the recordings of past Madrid GGUG meetups
Code snippets
- Ratpack is introducing the beginnings of integration with Newrelic for monitoring and tracing
- A GVM SDK library for consumption of the GVM API
- Grails 2.2.5 is available on GVM
- Grails 2.3.7 is available through GVM
- Grails 2.4 milestone 1 is available on GVM
Other news
- Cédric Champeau updates its ongoing “traits” implementation for Groovy 2.3 with trait inheritance support. Don’t hesitate to try that and report back your findings!
- A project providing command line access to Virgo container using Groovy
- Gretty, an advanced Gradle plugin for running web-apps on Jetty
- Cédric Champeau posted beta documentation for the new Markup template engine for Groovy
- The Gradle in Action print book is 43% off till March 20th with a special promo code
- Lieven Doclo reviews the Gradle in Action book
- A GR8Ladies meetup in Minneapolis, MN (USA) on March 21st
- The Call for Papers of the SpringOne2GX 2014 conference will end on April 30th
- The Greach conference is offering 23 books and 27 ebooks to win for the attendees
- Gradleware reminds that *you* could be a presenter at the Gradle Summit 2014!
- Hubert Klein Ikkink (alias MrHaki) will be presenting a getting started Grails university session for the NLJUG on March 25th
- The GR8Ladies will be at Women Techmakers, in Minneapolis, on March 22nd
- If you’re in the Sacremento area, the SacGRU Groovy/Grails user group is meeting every first Thursday of each month at 18:30
- For those in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, you can attend the DFW Groovy/Grails user group on every first Wednesday of each month