Groovy Weekly #14
This week is a Spanish week! The Groovy community is moving towards Madrid (Spain) for the Greach conference, to talk about Groovy, Grails, Gradle, Spock, GrooScript, GPars, Gaelyk and more! Enjoy the conference, for the lucky ones attending, and otherwise, have fun reading the news below.
- Gaelyk 2.1 has been released
- There’s a Gradle plugin for the Grain static website generator, for generating your site from your build
- Nextflow, a DSL for data-driven computational pipelines, based on Groovy and GPars, released in version 0.7
- Marco Vermeulen releases version 0.5.1 of the Gradle Spawn plugin, for starting and stopping UNIX command line processes from within your build
- MongoDB GORM 2.0 plugin released
- An old question on Quora about whether “Groovy is going away” is re-surfacing from time to time, and Rob Fletcher recently gave a new answer for that question.
- MrHaki is showing how to use Groovy SQL in Grails
- Angel Ruiz writes about the Grails 2.2 to 2.3 migration
- Alexander Reelsen believes Spark, Groovy and JRebel make for a productive combination
- A paper in German on using Grails for a portal framework
- Libgdx, a Java based game framework, is migrating to Gradle
Code snippets
- Cédric Champeau has created a Groovy solver for the 2048 game, showing a nice use of Geb usage
- An example of broadcasting with websockets and Ratpack
- Dierk König says it’s at the same time nice and weird to see Java developers now being able to enjoy the benefits that Groovy has provided for the past 10 years already
- Replying to Rob Fletcher about the fact that the lambda syntax from Java 8 was differing in syntax from Groovy, Neill Robbins was saying that he prefers the legibility of Groovy’s closures. What’s your opinion?
- Jeff Brown is working on Grails with Groovy AST transforms and type checking extensions and finds that it makes Groovy a very powerful programming tool
- Dierk König remarks that Groovy can be at the same time provide more static checks than Java, but also be way more dynamic
- Matt Stine shares a nice scaling demo app for Cloud Foundry using Spring Boot and Groovy
Google+ posts
- Richard Vowles notes that with the latest IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 release, for your projects using the Maven Eclipse Groovy compiler, there’s no need anymore for the Eclipse Groovy plugin, as IDEA recognizes the Maven layout properly now out of the box.
Other news
- Grails Diary week #12 by Jacob Aae Mikkelsen
- Some of the names of the speakers of GR8Conf Europe 2014
- The Call for Papers of the SpringOne2GX 2014 conference will end on April 30th
- The GR8Conf US 2014 tickets are now on sale, and you can get door buster tickets the following two weeks