Groovy Weekly #20
Tthe big news of the week is the release of Groovy 2.3.0! With traits, support for running on JDK 8, new AST transformations, lightning fast JSON support, and more!
Be sure to read the Groovy 2.3.0 release notes to get all the juicy details!
And vote up the DZone link to make a bit of buzz on the small interview of Guillaume Laforge about the release.
Also, Hubert Klein Ikking was on a blogging spree, as he wrote many new items in the Groovy Goodness series with snippets showing the new features in action. So don’t miss those examples linked below!
- Guillaume Laforge announces the final release of Groovy 2.3.0
- Ratpack 0.9.4 relased
- Schalk Cronjé shares a pre-release of his Groovy VFS command-line project, for copying, moving files around from multiple sources from the command-line
- Florian Freudenberg created a Windows Powershell port of GVM command-line interface for Groovy developers using Windows, thanks to the GVM APIs
- Latitude 1.0 has been released. Latitude is an API to ease property reference in Groovy, allowing it to be type checked and customized for use within queries, ignoring fields, etc. An IDE can auto-complete, refactor and find usages, and @TypeChecked can point typos in it.
- InfoQ publishes a little interview of Guillaume Laforge about the release of Groovy 2.3.0. You can vote up the associated DZone link!
- Vladimír Orany spoke about Gaelyk and Glide at Greach 2014
- Learn about all the latest features of Groovy 2.3.0 in the detailed release notes
- InfoQ features an article by Matt Raible on the JSON performance improvements coming up in Groovy 2.3
- C# is getting Groovy, borrowing Groovy’s ?. null safe navigation operator (already copied by CoffeeScript)
- David Norton writes about how to reuse your Gradle logic across the enterprise
- MrHaki’s Groovy Goodness celebrates Groovy 2.3.0!
- use @Sortable annotation to make classes Comparable
- extra methods for NIO path
- more efficient tail recursion with @TailRecursive annotation
- @BaseScript with abstract run script method
- use @Builder AST transformation for fluent API
- @Builder definition with extra type checks
- using @Builder to create fluent API for other classes
- check configuration property is set in ConfigObject
- extend ConfigSlurper with custom environments sections
- Grails Goodness by MrHaki: Using Aliases as Command Shortcuts
- Multi-factor authentication with Grails, part 1, by Kyle Boon
- GORM: bulk delete already
- Getting SVN info using Groovy
- Implementing many to many relation between domains in Grails with MongoDB
- Tracking Hibernate statistics across Grails actions by Igor Shults
- Groovy implementation of the INI file format
- Implementing social auth with Grails by Sumit Rathi
- Spring Security Permission Based framework
- Debugging your Grails application in IntelliJ IDEA
- Facebook Oauth for fetching page token with Grails
- Groovy database resource handling by Robert Greathouse
- The link to Guillaume Laforge’s interview on DZone is promoted as a “big link”!
- Groovy 2.3.0 is available through GVM
- Ken Kousen reports the change in the groovysh commands now starting with colons
- Peter Ledbrook announces the next Groovy podcast for Thursday
- Jörn Huxhorn noticed the reworked generics handling of Groovy 2.3 found bugs that slipped through the old type checker! But if you find regressions in this area, please report them!
- Sébastien Blanc visited the Fort Griffon in Besançon, France. In honor of Andrés Almiray’s work on the Griffon framework?
- Bertrand Goetzmann shares some Groovy examples for scripting his TiddlyWikiFx project
- Peter Ledbrook reminds us with his funny tweet that it’s better to use the #groovylang hashtag on Twitter rather than #groovy as there’s less noise about non-Groovy language related topics
Google+ Posts
- Xavier Ducrohet announces a new version of the Gradle Android plugin
Code Snippets
- Tim Yates pushes a gist with variants of a gaussian distribution with Java 8, Groovy, and GPars
- Tim Yates plays with a metaprogramming addition to Java 8’s LocalDate to support Groovy’s + days addition.
- The new @Builder transformation of Groovy 2.3 covered with its different implementation strategies
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen posted Grails Diary week 17
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen published week 18 of the Grails Diary
- Grails in Action, Second Edition, by Peter Ledbrook and Glen Smith, has updated all chapters & appendices
- With all the videos published from the Greach 2014 conference, viewers accumulated 73000 minutes of viewing!
- GR8Conf US 2014 registration is open
- GR8Conf Europe announces Cygnet Infotech as sponsor