Groovy Weekly #57
So what’s Groovy this week? The Groovy community is still celebrating the 4.5+ million downloads of Groovy last year, is drive testing the upcoming Gradle 2.3, while Greach is announcing its impressive roster of speakers.
But there’s an item of news dear to my heart this week, with the “go to production” message from Dierk about Groovy in Action, second edition! Many times the book has been revised to catch up with the latest and greatest of Groovy, and this new edition will bring you up-to-date with Groovy 2.4, so you can expect the official print and e-book final versions imminently!
- Gradle 2.3-rc-2 is available
- GrailsFlow 1.5 released with Bootstrap 3
- Joachim Baumann published the Windows installer for Groovy 2.4
- Spock-Android 1.1 released
- Netflix open sources a new Groovy-based scripting library for customizing their API UIs
- Accelerate your Gradle build time from 90 to 8 minutes
- MrHaki’s Spocklight: Capture and assert system output
- Jochen Theodorou on getting rid of compareTo in favor of ==
- New features for the venerable AEM (Adobe CQ) Groovy Console
- Developing a web automation framework using Geb and Groovy by Varun Menon
- The new EAP of IntelliJ IDEA features enhanced Gradle support and allows you to use the Groovy-Eclipse compiler
- Groovy Closures create tidy, flexible services by Ben Brunk
- Significance of “mappedBy” in Grails domain classes by Naman Gautam
- Creating Android apps with Groovy 2.4 by Michael Scharhag
- Reactive Oriented Architecture with Grails by Steve Pember recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014
- Cédric Champeau posted his slides from the MCE Conference in Poland about Groovy & Android, a winning pair
- Groovy in the light of Java 8 by Cédric Champeau at JavaOne 2014
- Dierk König announces that all the content of the second edition of Groovy in Action is committed to production
- Dierk König tells that the second edition of Groovy in Action contains 20 chapters and 9 appendices
- Peter Ledbrook posted Episode 6 of the Groovy podcast
- A Groovy based rules engine, decision table & tree, templating engine
- A Groovy package installer, “gpi”, from Thibault Kruse
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen publishes Grails Diary week 6
- The list of Grails plugins ready for Grails 3
- Cédric Champeau summarizes the nice upward trend for Groovy’s yearly download numbers, reaching 4.5 millions in 2014
- Craig Burke found a parallel with iOS’ “there’s an app for that”, with “in Groovy, there’s an AST transformation for that”
- Craig Burke is working on a PdfBox based document builder with a friendly open source license
- The book of Geb is being migrated to Asciidoctor with automatically tested code snippets
- The new Geb twitter account reached hundred followers
- Gradle 2.3-rc-3 available through GVM
- You can fill a survey to help make Gradle tutorials better
- Luke Daley announces a new Gradle plugin for running tests within Docker containers
- Peter Ledbrook learned that Groovy’s type checker can infer the component type of list literals
- Clint Liddick says IntelliJ IDEA’s Groovy console is way nicer than an hypothetic Java REPL
- You can watch GrooScript in action at the Greach conference
- A last final MEAP of Groovy in Action second edition will be out soon, says Dierk König
- Sean Gilligan works on a Groovy support for JSR-354 / Money
- Greach tweets about its roster of speakers
- More speakers for the Greach conference
- The Greach conference agenda is online