Groovy Weekly #61
Big news for this week with the intention of the Groovy project to join the Apache Software Foundation! And if you wnat to know more about who actually contributed to Groovy over the years, Cédric detailed that on his blog.
- GMavenPlus 1.5 released
- GrooScript 1.0.1 released
- GrooScript Gradle plugin 1.0.1 released
- Android-Spock 1.2 released working with Spock 1.0
- GVM 2.3.0 released with new “outdated” command to know if newer candidates are available
- Guillaume Laforge announces the intention of the Groovy project to join the Apache Software Foundation
- Cédric Champeau wrote a very interesting and insightful analysis on who contributed to Groovy over the years
- John K. Waters from ADTMag on Groovy to join Apache Software Foundation following up an interview with Guillaume Laforge
- Jochen Theodorou brainstorms on the path towards a revamped MOP for Groovy
- MrHaki’s Awesome Asciidoctor: Use inline extension DSL with Gradle
- MrHaki’s Gradle Goodness: Define system properties in
- New features for Gradle Coming in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 by Andrey Cheptsov
- Groovy, GrooScript with React.JS
- Marcin Zajączkowski on Spock 1.0 with Groovy 2.4 configuration comparison in Maven and Gradle
- Benoît Hédiard writes about how to publish your Grails 3 plugin to Bintray
- The Ratpack team published more information on how the Ratpack documentation is working and how code samples are tested
- Ken Kousen in “If a method arg is a closure, for crying out loud pass it a closure”
- Faster Groovy Compilation in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 by Peter Gromov
- Grails tip: Rendering errors of multiple beans by Albert van Veen
- Get Groovy with JRebel and Grails by Adam Koblentz
- Working with SASS scripts in Grails 2.3 by Mansi Arora
- Customize your Grails test reports by Igor Shults
- Another method for admin screens with Grails by Mike Hostetler
- The GVM project just reached 400 stars on Github, keep star’ing!
- New documentation on Groovy meta-annotations authored by Cédric Champeau
- Kunal Dabir created a simple DSL to create directory trees and files
- An updated roadmap for GrooScript, including support for require.js
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Grails Diary week 10 of 2015
- Thanks to Luke Daley and Will Erickson, Dagger 2 will work out of the box with Groovy sources and Gradle 2.4
- Cédric Champeau documented how you can use closures as annotation parameters
- Cédric Champeau is so much into AST transformations that he wrongly coined the Apache Software Foundation with the AST acronym instead of the ASF
- Using Reactor with Groovy is a nice experience in data processing says David Dawson
- Dan Woods reminds us that Ratpack has a forum in case you need help getting started
- Tim Yates found some Groovy biscuits for the discerning Groovy developer
Code snippets
- Using RxJs with GrooScript
- Iván López authored a handy Groovy script to generate the HTML of the Greach conference speakers pages
- GR8Conf Europe 2015 announces a first batch of speakers