Groovy Weekly #63
The big news today is that Groovy has now passed the vote for entering the Apache Software Foundation incubator! Thus, in the coming weeks and months, while going through the incubation process, you can expect some changes in terms of infrastructure (moving sources, issue tracker, mailng-lists, etc) to be taking place, but don’t worry, we’ll keep you informed along the way.
This past week, we’ve had some new releases of Groovy, as well as the second release candidate for Grails 3! Grails 3 is really really close now, get ready, it’s gonna rock the house!
Alongside the Groovy releases, big efforts have been made with the new Groovy documentation. Be sure to check it out, and to help us further improve that documentation
Last but not least, Groovy has been submitted for nomination for the JAX 2015 innovation award, so we encourage you to vote for Groovy for the JAX innovation award!
- Grails 3.0 rc-2 released
- Groovy 2.4.2 and 2.3.11 released along with tons of new documentation
- Groovy 2.4.3 released
- Gradle Android plugin for Groovy 0.3.6 released, working with the 1.1.0 version of the Android plugin
- japicmp plugin for Gradle 0.1.1 released
- SonarQube Groovy 1.1 released with JaCoCo coverage and latest CodeNarc 0.23
- IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 released with improved Groovy and Gradle support
- Guillaume Laforge announces the release of Groovy 2.4.3 and that the vote for accepting Groovy in the Apache incubator passed
- Schalk Cronjé shares his thoughts on Gradle’s halting problem
- MrHaki’s Groovy Goodness
- Automatic release / promotion of artifacts to Maven Central from Gradle (with Gradle Nexus Staging Plugin)
- Set up easy cross-language benchmarking using Gradle by Ben Steinert
- Archive addition Android artifacts with Gradle by W.Elsinga
- Basic Groovy and Grails code review guidelines by Ted Vinke
- Using delegation for audit columns in Groovy on Grails
- Dustin Marx on Groovy joining the Apache foundation
- Control a presentation remotely with a Vert.x module written in Groovy by Bertrand Goetzman
- Why developing in Groovy and Grails is faster than in Java and Spring asks Luigi Candita
- Jorina Freya Gerken introduces a new series on Spock by example
- You can vote for Groovy for the JAX 2015 innovation award
- The Gradle website has been redesigned
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen Grails Diary week 12
- Iván López published his code and slides on Grails and the realtime world
- Video of the Getting Groovy on Android presentation by Andrew Reitz
- Peter Ledbrook gave a tutorial on Groovy for Java developers at Devoxx UK 2014
- SpringOne2GX 2014
Groovy AST transformations by Paul King
Distributed Platform Development with Groovy by Dan Woods
Advanced Groovy Tips and Tricks by Ken Kousen
GORM Inside and out by Jeff Scott Brown
- Bertrand Delacretaz, mentor of the Groovy project, announces the vote passed to accept Groovy in the Apache Software Foundation incubator
- Cédric Champeau updated his @Bytecode AST transformation, but he warns about using it for educational purpose only
- Baruch Sadogursky claims that Maven’s biggest problem is not XML so polyglotism won’t help it
- Groovy 2.4.3 available on GVM
- Groovy 2.4.2 available on GVM
- Groovy 2.3.11 available on GVM
- Creating CUDA code with Groovy scripts
- Bavo Bruylandt says that the @ClosureParams and @DelegatesTo annotations greatly help IDE integration for Groovy DSLs
- Ben McGuire noted that most NFJS attendees were using Groovy in some capacity, showing an ongoing growth of the Groovy community
- Oliver Gierke likes the Groovy based poms with Maven 3.3.1
- Oliver Gierke ported the Spring HATEOAS pom.xml to Groovy with Maven’s polyglot support
- Third party plugins compatible with Grails 3 are becoming available
- A Flyway Gradle plugin appears into the Gradle plugin portal
- Grails 3.0 rc-2 available on GVM
- Groovy in Action, 2nd edition, in the finish line!
- Tickets for GR8Conf Europe now on sale!
- GR8Conf Europe 2015 is available on Lanyrd, you can mark you’re attending
- Two Java Champions will be speaking at the Greach conference, with Andrés Almiray and Trisha Gee