Groovy Weekly #67
No big focus this week in the editorial, but as in the previous edition, I’d like to remind you about the following infrastructure changes, as we move the Groovy project through the incubation process at Apache: the JIRA issue tracker has moved, and don’t forget that the Groovy mailing-lists are also moving. The novelty this week is that the Apache Git repository is now the new mainline, but you can contribute pull requests on the Apache Groovy Github mirror.
- GrooScript 1.0.2 released
- Gretty 1.2.2 released
- Paul Krill of InfoWorld on Grails finding a new home at OCI
- An overview of what’s new in Grails 3 by Michael Scharhag
- Geb Gems: Running Geb Spock tests with Maven by Albert van Veen
- Jeff Beck on impersonating user custom roles with Spring Security in Grails
- MrHaki’s Gradle Goodness: alter start scripts from application plugin
- MrHaki’s Grails Goodness: set log level for Grails artifacts
- MrHaki’s Grails Goodness: add some color to our logging
- Making a Grails domain class non-persistent by Vinay Prajapati
- Parsing URL mappings in Grails by Sandeep Poonia
- Spring events with Grails
- Ken Kousen writes Groovy related blog posts elsewhere too
- Building a Java web application with Gradle by Benjamin Muschko
- Short on time? Switch to Groovy and Spock for unit testing
- Gradleware is officially welcoming Cédric Champeau and Lari Hotari into the Gradle team
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Grails Diary week 16
- You can still vote for Grails 3 support in IntelliJ IDEA
- A new curated list of Groovy news by Sergio del Amo
- Groovy and Grails puzzlers, traps, pitfalls, and end cases by Baruch Sadogursky and Frédéric Simon, recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015
- Guillaume Laforge shares the links to his Devoxx France presentations on Groovy
- Confessions of a Java developer who fell in love with Groovy (in Hebrew)
- Iván López on metaprogramming with Groovy at the Confess conference with slides and sample code
- Alexander Klein on Groovy in the Shell
- The Geb framework developers are happy with their move to Github issues
- Guillaume Laforge shares the new Apache Groovy mailing-list archives links
- Guillaume Laforge gives the link to the Apache Git web interface
- You can send pull requests to Apache’s Groovy git mirror on Github notes Guillaume Laforge
- Søren Berg Glasius reminds developers they can now star the Groovy git mirror on Github for good reputation
- Cédric Champeau received his JavaOne Rock Star award!
- Buildship, a Gradle plugin for Eclipse by GradleWare and Vogella
- Craig Burke is having fun with laying out tables in his Groovy Document Builder for v0.4