Groovy Weekly #70
Last week, Codehaus has gone the way of the dodo. The lights are switching off. A page is turning.
So please remember about our infrastructure changes, as we move the Groovy project through the incubation process at Apache: the JIRA issue tracker has moved, and don’t forget that the Groovy mailing-lists are also moving. The Apache Git repository is now the new mainline, but you can contribute pull requests on the new Apache Groovy Github mirror. Be sure to update all your bookmarks, and register on the new mailing-list!
Beside that, there’s one particular item in the news below that I’d like to highlight here, that’s the great and thourough presentation on Spock. If you want to learn the latest and greatest about Spock 1.0, that’s the slide deck you must have a look at!
- Gretty 1.2.3 released
- Igor Shults shares the list of Groovy versions for each version of Grails
- Jacob Severson talks about dependable microservices via Cloud Foundry’s Lattice and Grails 3
- Brendon Anderson shares his feedback on his first Ratpack application
- The Groovy-Programming blog post features an article on Google Analytics measurement protocol in Groovy
- David Dawson explains how to build a Grails application based on a hexagonal architecture
- The Groovy Algorithms blog features a post on a model implementation of frequent pattern mining
- Algorithms in Groovy blog post on the top 5 that makes Groovy scripting loveable
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Grails Diary week 20
- The Gradle GVM SDK vendor plugin is now available in the Gradle plugin portal
- The last month in GUM news
- The curated Groovy Dev Weekly news
- Marcin Zajączkowski gave an excellent and detailed presentation on smarter testing Java code with Spock, with lots of Spock 1.0 coverage. A must see to master Spock!
- From the GeeCon conference:
- Iván López shares the slides and code of his Grails presentation
- Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal shares the slides and code of his Ratpack presentation and workshop
- From Devoxx France (but in French!):
- “Plugin Gradle, prenez le contrôle du build”, by Cédric Champeau and Eyal Lezmy
- “Groovy et son process de release” by Guillaume Laforge, Cédric Champeau and Frédéric Simon
- From Greach, stateless authentication for microservices with Spring Security in Grails, by Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
- Ken Kousen published a Groovy Fundamentals video course for O’Reilly Media
- Craig Burke believes that Grails 3 custom scripts can prove useful for generating Grails / Angular.JS CRUD apps
- Craig Burke upgraded his Angular.JS / Grails test app to Grails 3
- Dierk König says that Groovy in Action 2nd ed offers the first full description of Groovy as a static language, covering static compilation, static type checking, and type checking extensions
- The Gradle summit early bird ends Friday