Groovy Weekly #71
GR8Conf Europe 2015 is literally around the corner, as the conference will start next week in Copenhagen! I’m really excited to be joining the usual flock of Groovy afictionados and talk all things Groovy.
Speaking of conferences, lots of new videos and accompanying slide decks have been released, so there are hours of binge watching ahead!
By now, I think I can stop reminding you about the move of Groovy from Codehaus to the Apache Software Foundation? (and the move of the mailing-lists, issue tracker, sources, etc.)
- GrooScript 1.1.1 released with associated Gradle plugin with support for Require.JS for improved Groovy / JavaScript interoperability
- Ken Kousen recounts his upcoming Groovy-related events and activities
- Awesome Groovy crosses 100 stars and counting on Github
- GVM is thinking about changing its name, cast your vote!
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Grails Diary week #21
Presentations — special Greach 2015 coverage
- Grooscript in action by Jorge Franco
- Andrés Almiray presented about the Groovy ecosystem
- Sport store chain Decathlon built its social network with Grails, presented by Antonio de la Torre and Alonso Torres Ortiz
- Advanced microservice concerns by Steve Pember
- Beyond Gradle 2.0 by René Gröschke
- Idiomatic Gradle plugin writing by Schalk Cronjé
- Building Android apps with Gradle by René Gröschke
- Documentation brought to life with Asciidoctor and Gradle by Markus Schlichting
- Marco Vermeulen gives a status update on the Groovy enVironment Manager in 2015
- Securing Ratpack by Jeff Beck
- Göran Ehrsson on cutting your Grails app to pieces with feature plugins
- Burt Beckwith shares interesting nuggets found during Grails development
- With Codehaus’ EOL, Groovy binary distributions prior to 2.2.2 are temporarily unavailable through GVM
- Robin Bramley suggest an ideal Groovy snack for the break!
- Erik Pragt shares a script to check the health status of a Grails 3 app
- A “fintech” startup in London is looking for developers with Groovy, Grails and mobile experience
- The GR8Conf Android application has been updated to display next week’s European edition!