Groovy Weekly #77
It’s literally the eve of SpringOne2GX, in Washington DC! I’m flying tomorrow, for 9+ hours above the Atlantic, to gather with the cool kids of the Groovy ecosystem. I’m impatient to see some of my fellow readers and Groovy users around there.
And let me wish the Griffon framework and its team a Groovy birthday!
- Ratpack 1.0-rc-2, a second release candidate
- Gradle 2.7-rc-2 released
- Grails 3.0.5 released with the new Web API profile
- Grails 3.0.6 released
- Spring Boot 1.3.0.M5 released
- Grails 3 Web profile vs the new Web API profile
- How to deploy a Grails 3 app to AWS Beanstalk and CloudFront CDN by Benoit Hédiard
- MrHaki’s Groovy Goodness
- MrHaki’s Spocklight
- Philip Heath writes about Spock, the logical choice for testing
- Paul Gross’ team has migrated from Gradle to Bazel
- Screencast of NetBeans’ Gradle integration
- An interview by JaxEnter of Dierk König in German, where he says that Groovy is a pioneer language where innovative changes help shape the future of Java and other languages
Mailing-list posts
- Griffon celebrates the 7th anniversary of the project!
- The Mars rover has a state called “Solar Groovy” noticed Dierk König
- Marco Vermeulen is excited about the upcoming new website for SDKmanager (aka GVM), based off the Groovy website code and look
- Grails 3.0.5 available on GVM
- Grails 3.0.6 available on GVM
- Spring Boot 1.3.0.M5 available in GVM
- Gradle 2.7-rc-2 available through GVM
- Bertrand Goetzman working on a Groovy/Grails training is using a Groovy DSL with Grain to generate dynamic HTML documentation from Markdown documents
- The Gradle plugin for the Grain static site generator is available on the Gradle plugin portal
- Benoit Hédiard created a French-speaking channel in the Grails Slack community
- Roman Shaposhnik is reminded he loves Groovy when looking at how it can make the Apache BigTop project DSL easy to grok
- Matt Sheehan brings our attention to the new auto-generated Groovy DSL documentation for the Jenkins Job DSL
- Jacob Aae Mikkelsen’s Grails Diary week 36
- SmartThings is hiring a cloud engineer with Ratpack experience
- Gilles Laborderie is recruiting for a Grails job in Paris
- MrHaki’s Spocklight notebook updated
- Only a few days left before the end of the Groovy/Grails eXchange call for paper
- Guillaume Laforge is a JavaOne featured speaker
- Guillaume Laforge relaunched the Paris Groovy Grails User Group introducing talks on the Grails 3 novelties and Groovy in a VoIP context