❯ Guillaume Laforge

New blog location

I started blogging 20 years ago, in April 2003. My first blog engine was a PHP CMS, called Nucleus. I was hosting it on my ISP, at free.fr.

Then in 2011, I wrote my own blog engine, called Bloogaey, which was written in Groovy, using my little Gaelyk web framework, and running on App Engine.

As it became a bit painful to properly format my blog posts, and evolve my blog engine, I decided I should move to something that is more static, with a static site generator that eats Markdown files: I chose the Hugo static site generator that I used in some previous projects. And I’m now hosting the content of my blog in Github Pages, under the glaforge.dev custom domain name.


I’ll stop blogging on the old website, and will write my new articles on that new URL.

I’ll try to redirect all the links back to this new location, and also update the RSS feed for those who are subscribed via Feedburner. But if you want to update your feed reader manually, here’s the new URL for the feed: https://glaforge.dev/index.xml