❯ Guillaume Laforge


Serverless tip #1 — Deploy a standalone JVM web app with Gradle and the App Engine plugin

Requirements: an existing Google Cloud Platform account and project a Java or alternative language web application a Gradle build that creates a standalone executable JAR file In youd build.gradle file, add the App Engine gradle plugin to your buildscript dependencies: buildscript { repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'com.google.cloud.tools:appengine-gradle-plugin:2.+' } } Apply the plugin, to make use of it: apply plugin: "com.google.cloud.tools.appengine-appyaml" Then you can configure the appengine task to point at the standalone executable JAR: Read more...

Getting started with Micronaut on Google App Engine Java 11

A new Java runtime was announced for Google App Engine standard: with Java 11. It’s currently in beta, but anybody can already try it out. Another interesting announcement was the fact that the instances running your apps now get double the memory! So with this double dose of great news, I decided to craft a little tutorial to show how to deploy a Micronaut application on App Engine Java 11. And because Apache Groovy is, well, groovy, I’ll go ahead and use Groovy for my programming language, but of course, the same steps apply to Java workloads as well. Read more...

Turn it up to eleven: Java 11 runtime comes to App Engine

Yesterday, we announced new second-generation runtimes for Go 1.12 and PHP 7.3. In addition, App Engine standard instances now run with double the memory. Today, we’re happy to announce the availability of the new Java 11 second-generation runtime for App Engine standard in beta. Now, you can take advantage of the latest Long-Term-Support version of the Java programming language to develop and deploy your applications on our fully-managed serverless application platform. Read more...

On curiosity and sharing with the world

At the end of December, I was contacted by someone I didn’t know, who asked me some interesting questions, and that led me to quite a bit of introspection. As a Java Champion and with your career history. I wanted to ask you what you consider are the most important skills for a Java programmer to have in their toolbox, especially a Senior Java programmer? Or maybe even a better question is what skills you developed that helped you become the Java Developer/Groovy Language Developer that you are today. Read more...

Tip: Making a Google Cloud Storage bucket or file public

Google Cloud Storage is the ideal product to store your object files (binary files, pictures, audio/video assets, and more). Until recently, there was an option in the Google cloud console with a checkbox to quickly make a file or bucket public. However, and I would add “unfortunately”, users tended to inadvertently clicking the checkbox, thus making potentail confidential assets public. So this risky, but easy, option, has been removed to avoid any unwanted data leak. Read more...

Mais c'est quoi un Developer Advocate ?

J’ai eu le plaisir d’encadrer des stagiaires de 3ème récemment chez Google. Nous accueillons des enfants, neveux, nièces, cousins d’employés de Google (donc non :-P, je ne prends pas de stagiaire, pas la peine de demander !!!) pour leur faire découvrir les différents métiers que nous exerçons dans l’entreprise. Et il y en a beaucoup ! L’un de mes stagiaires m’a interviewé lorsque je décrivais mon travail de “Developer Advocate”, au sein de Google Cloud. Read more...

Interview InfoQ en Français sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform

Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais parler de Google Cloud Platform en français ! Lors de la conférence Voxxed Days Microservices, que j’ai couverte récemment, j’ai eu l’occasion de répondre à une interview pour InfoQ France. Interview sur les microservices sur Google Cloud Platform Voici la liste des questions auxquelles j’ai répondues, et je vous laisserai écouter les réponses sur InfoQ France ! Pour ceux qui ne te connaissent pas, peux-tu nous dire qui tu es ? Read more...

Deploy a Micronaut application containerized with JIB to Google Kubernetes Engine

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to be at Devoxx Belgium once again, to meet developers and learn about new things from awesome speakers. Google Cloud Platform had its own booth on the exhibition floor, and the team was running codelabs: 10 laptops were at the disposal of attendees to go through various hands-on tutorials on several GCP products. I took a chance at crafting my own codelab: deploying a Micronaut application, containerized with Jib, to Google Kubernetes Engine. Read more...

Nice Series on Spring Cloud Integration for Google Cloud Platform

My friend and former colleague Josh Long wrote a nice series of articles showing the Spring Cloud integration for Google Cloud Platform. The series contains 8 articles, covering: the setup & authentication, how to access relational databases, how to connect to Spanner, how to send/receive messages with Pub/Sub, how to use the runtime configuration, how to look into Stackdriver tracing, how to access other services like the machine learning APIs, and last but not least, how to go to production. Read more...

In the top 20 Java influencers for 2018

Just before heading to Google Cloud Next, I was notified I was listed 4th in JAX London’s Top 20 Java influencers of 2018 on social media! It’s an honor to be listed among famous figures like Josh Bloch, Brian Goetze, Martin Thompson, Arun Gupta, Jessica Kerr, Mario Fusco, Josh Long, Venkat Subramanian, Charles Nutter and many others. You can see the full list of the top influencers here. I’ll definitely continue to advocate for Java (and Apache Groovy) developers around the world, and share whatever I learn along the way through articles or conference talks. Read more...