❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #62

Following-up last week’s decision of the Groovy team to join the Apache Software Foundation, this week, a proposal has been made and submitted, and Apache has announced it on its blog. So the process is now really officially started and on its track! Releases Grails 3.0 RC-1 released GVM 2.4.0 released with broadcast and offline checks optimizations Groovy Grails Toolsuite 3.6.4 released with Groovy 2.4 support Articles The Groovy team and Apache members collaborated on a proposal to join the Apache Software Foundation Matt Raible interviewed Guillaume Laforge about Groovy moving to Apache Darryl Taft from eWeek is covering the proposal of Groovy to join the Apache incubator Paul Krill writes on CIO “dumped by Pivotal, Groovy moves to Apache” Kay Ewbank on Groovy joining the Apache Software Foundation Groovy hands-on, in French A new Griffon / JavaFX tutorial is available A flamewar against Gradle which is said to suffer from the halting problem Allegro Tech is sharing its success story adopting Gradle News The Apache Software Foundation announces Groovy’s submission to become an official Apache project At the Adobe Summit, Time Warner Cable announced some of its Gradle plugins to work with Adobe tools A very interesting contribution from JetBrain’s Peter Gromov has been merged into Groovy’s master to speedup compilation OpenCSVIterator: a useful library for processing flat text files in Groovy and Java GR8CRM, a suite of Grails plugins for Customer Relationship Management by Göran Ehrsson A nice online Groovy playground by Tim Roes Presentations Great introduction to Groovy by Michał Mally at the Groovy user group in Poland Groovy for Java developers, by Peter Ledbrook, recorded during SpringOne2GX 2014 Groovy browser automation with Geb, by Colin Harrington, recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014 A video introduction to Gradle for Android Studio Tweets Cédric Champeau is annoyed when people reduce Groovy to just a “dynamic” language when it’s much more than that Ken Kousen tasting a Groovy Smoothie Matthew McCullough Groovy JMeter plugin is moving to Github, like the many Google Code projects following Google’s closing GrooScript plugin working for Grails 3 RC-1 Mailing-list posts The Groovy incubation proposal is being discussed on the Apache mailing-lists Podcasts Ken Kousen published Groovy Podcast episode 8 Code snippets Using RxJs from GrooScript with Groovy’s @BaseScript transformation Books You can find Ken Kousen’s Making Java Groovy book code samples on Manning’s website Events Registration for SpringOne2GX 2015 is open Guillaume Laforge will be speaking about Groovy’s continuous delivery at the SwampUp conference At the Gradle Summit, Netflix’ build team will share lessons learned about Gradle plugins

Groovy Weekly #61

Big news for this week with the intention of the Groovy project to join the Apache Software Foundation! And if you wnat to know more about who actually contributed to Groovy over the years, Cédric detailed that on his blog. Releases GMavenPlus 1.5 released GrooScript 1.0.1 released GrooScript Gradle plugin 1.0.1 released Android-Spock 1.2 released working with Spock 1.0 GVM 2.3.0 released with new “outdated” command to know if newer candidates are available Articles Guillaume Laforge announces the intention of the Groovy project to join the Apache Software Foundation Cédric Champeau wrote a very interesting and insightful analysis on who contributed to Groovy over the years John K. Read more...

Groovy Projects intends to join the Apache Software Foundation

The Groovy team is happy to announce its intention to join the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Following up the recent announcement from Pivotal to end funding of full time developers for the Groovy programming language project, the team thought it would be appropriate to demonstrate to the Groovy community that the project is here for the long term, regardless of any funding from particular sponsoring organizations and regardless of any changes to the team of committers over time. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #60

This round number edition is pretty busy! Last week ended with a pretty sad note, with the news of Leonard Nimoy’s passing, the famous vulcan extraterrestrial from Star Trek. This certainly resonates with the Groovy community (and geeks & fans out large) because of our very own Spock testing framework. So let’s all gather and have a thought for this great actor and for his family. But as a tribute to this great actor and character, the long awaited news is that the Spock testing framework releases its 1. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #59

Groovy keeps rocking with a joint release of Groovy 2.4.1 and also a 2.3.10! And did you notice the nice new design of the new Grails website, based on Groovy’s website? That’s a family look! Also, I’d like to end this short editorial with a big congrats to the GVM team who’s reached the 100,000 unique installs! That’s a big milestone! Releases Joint releases of Groovy 2.4.1 and Groovy 2.3.10 GMavenPlus 1. Read more...

Joint releases of Groovy 2.4.1 and 2.3.10

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the joint releases of the Groovy 2.4.1 and Groovy 2.3.10 of the Groovy programming language for the Java platform. Both releases are bug fix releases, and while Groovy 2.4.1 is the latest official stable branch, we thought it might be helpful to some projects who are still on the 2.3.x line to get a final release for that branch. But going forward, the 2. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #58

The past week’s been pretty calm, in terms of news, but a few of them really stood out. Netflix again leverages Groovy for scripting its user experience API (additional coverage following last week’s announcement). The Gradleware team delivered Gradle 2.3! Congrats guys! And closer to home, a very important discussion about moving Groovy into a foundation has started, inviting members and representatives of different foundations to join and offer their views and experience on the matter. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #57

So what’s Groovy this week? The Groovy community is still celebrating the 4.5+ million downloads of Groovy last year, is drive testing the upcoming Gradle 2.3, while Greach is announcing its impressive roster of speakers. But there’s an item of news dear to my heart this week, with the “go to production” message from Dierk about Groovy in Action, second edition! Many times the book has been revised to catch up with the latest and greatest of Groovy, and this new edition will bring you up-to-date with Groovy 2. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #56

Congrats to the GrooScript team with the GrooScript 1.0 release! With GrooScript, if you will, you can have a full Groovy experience, from the build (Gradle), backend (Groovy, Grails, Ratpack), mobile (Groovy on Android), up to the front-end web layer with Groovy translated into JavaScript! Another impressive and widely acclaimed release is the first milestone of Grails 3! You can have a look at the novelties in Grails 3, and watch a screencast about it. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #55

This week is a bit more positive than the previous with the announcement of the release of Groovy 2.4! But some interesting and thoughtful pieces have also been written about last week’s sad news about Pivotal divesting in Groovy and Grails. In spite of this, SpringOne2GX 2015 has been announced with 4 Groovy and Grails tracks, in Washington DC, mid-September. Last but not least, the second edition of Groovy in Action is going into production! Read more...