❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #47

Today I highly recommend you read about the nice Groovy dedicated support for ElasticSearch! We also have a few interesting dot releases this week. And there’s the scoop that there’s a Ratpack book in the works! Don’t forget that the Call for Papers for GR8Conf Europe / US and Greach are still open, if you want to speak about your favorite Groovy technologies and experiments! Releases Groovy 2.4.0-beta-4 released Groovy 2. Read more...

Groovy 2.3.8 released too

Hot on the heels of our new beta for 2.4, here’s a bug fix release with Groovy 2.3.8. You can have a look at the JIRA release and you can download Groovy 2.3.8 right away! Thanks all for your contributions! Keep on groovy’ing!

Groovy 2.4.0-beta-4

This is with great pleasure that we are announcing the release of Groovy 2.4.0-beta-4. The highlights for this release are: a rewritten JsonBuilder for improved performance in JSON generation a @SelfType annotation for traits a new variant of GStringTemplateEngine capable of handling strings larger than 64k improved support for overloaded setters lots of bugfixes (some of which are backported in the upcoming 2.3.8 release) a new naming convention for closures The last point is important if your project somehow relies on the name of the closure classes as it is a potential breaking change. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #46

My favorite read of the week is definitely Ken Kousen’s tale about Groovy’s Plain Old Groovy Object! Note the releases of the new Groovy Eclipse support and the Eclipse Maven batch compiler. Last but not least, for those of you heading to the Groovy & Grails eXchange conference in London, notice the program of the conference unfolding before your eyes! Let me also mention the Beaker notebook project, which offers Groovy support for data scientists who want to explore their data sets. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #45

This week, coming back from the Devoxx conference in Belgium, I’ve gathered a bag of Groovy news for your consumption, for our usual Tuesday Groovy Weekly release! No particular big highlight today, but perhaps just a happy birthday to GrooScript, the Groovy to JavaScript transpiler, and also notice the opening of the Call for Paper for the GR8Conf conferences in Europe and in the United States. Releases Gradle 2.2.1-rc-1 released Articles Luke Daley explains Ratpack’s execution model in practice Custom collections in Groovy by Marcin Gryszko MrHaki’s Gradle Goodness: Check task dependencies with a dry run Dan Tanner wrote about the differences between Groovy’s collect and spread-dot operator Displaying all dependencies for all subprojects in a multi-project Gradle build String templates in Groovy by Mike Hostetler Craig Burke writes the first article of a series about the Angular. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #44

Today is the celebration of the veteran day / remembrance day in various countries throughout the world. So I’ll start with a big thank you to our ancestors who fought for our freedom! This week is also a busy week as a part of the Groovy core team is moving to Antwerpen in Belgium to speak about Groovy at the Devoxx conference. My picks of the week, among the news below are: the release of Gradle 2. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #43

This week, an InfoWorld article lists Groovy among the 9 cutting-edge programming language worth learning today, although it reduces Groovy to a mere Java dynamic scripting language. Are you happy with the investment you made into learning Groovy a while ago? We also have some nice releases, like the monthly Ratpack release, or the 1.0 versions of GroovyServ (for starting up your Groovy scripts at light speed), and Gaiden for making nice documentation with Markdown. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #42

Isn’t it a mythical number? The 42nd edition of Groovy Weekly! Will we get the answer to life the universe and everything? At least, we have a nice list of releases, this week, in particular with Grails 2.4.4, Geb 0.10 and the first milestone of Reactor 2.0! And if there’s one thing I’d like to highlight in addition, that would be MrHaki’s release of his new book, the Spock Notebook, with all those nice recipes about our preferred testing framework. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #41

Along with some valuable releases like the first release candidate of Gradle 2.2, there are interesting links on the topic of the Groovy Android story, as well as new glimpse on AST macros and AST pattern matching coming up. Worth a look! In terms of events, the Greach conference in Spain has opened its Call for Paper, and the GR8Conf Europe crew reminds us that all the great content from the last edition is freely available on their YouTube channel. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #40

No big highlight this week, but still plenty to learn from! We have some minor releases, interesting articles on Spock, on how to leverage traits with Geb, some thoughts on reactive programming, new demos and tutorials for GrooScript. And we can wish a happy birthday to the GR8 Ladies! Releases Spring Tool Suite & Groovy Grails Tool Suite 3.6.2 released GrooScript 0.6.1 released GridGain 0.6.2 with better support of themes that use plain CSS and better handling of large files Spring Boot 1. Read more...