❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #32

Live from GR8Conf US 2014, in Minneapolis, MN, USA! The code samples and slides of presentations are already flowing and are listed below in the presentations section. Lots of great content and talks to learn from. Releases Andrés Almiray released Griffon 2.0.0-rc-1 live on stage at GR8Conf US 2014, along with the announcement of the new Griffon website Cédric Champeau announces the releases of Groovy 2.3.6 and Groovy 2.4.0-beta-2 Guillaume Laforge announced Groovy 2. Read more...

Groovy 2.3.5 out with upward compatibility

The Groovy team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.3.5. Groovy 2.3.5 is a bug fix release of our Groovy 2.3 branch. You’ll find fixes for static compilation and type-checking, JSON serialization issues, markup template engine errors, and performance improvements. We care a lot about backward and binary compatibility, but in this release, we also thought about upward compatibility, so that code compiled with a newer version can even run on an older runtime. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #31

The news keep flowing even in the summer! It’s probably not new to you, my readers, but Groovy and Grails are kick-ass technologies, as reported by the RebelLabs report. And did you know that Groovy is now the default scripting technology in the popular ElasticSearch? Or used by Jenkins in its Job DSL? We even have rumors, with the potential acquisition of Groovy-powered SmartThings IoT platform by Samsung! We also have more videos available of presentations from GR8Conf Europe, to prepare yourself for those who are attending GR8Conf US next week! Read more...

Groovy Weekly #30

The new Groovy website announced last week keeps on improving, thanks to your feedback and already many contributions through pull requests on Github! To wet your appetite for GR8Conf US 2014 at the end of the month, we also have more GR8Conf Europe 2014 videos published last week! Releases Groovy Grails ToolSuite 3.6.0 out with Groovy 2.3 and Grails 2.4 support on Eclipse 4.4 GrooScript 0.5.2 is out The Windows installer for Groovy 2. Read more...

Feedback and actions for the new Groovy website

In this post, I’ll sum up the feedback we’ve gathered through the mailing-lists, Twitter, Google+, blog comments, Github issues, regarding the release of the beta of the new Groovy website. Overall, so far, the feedback has been very positive, and people are very excited about the fresher and more modern look of the website, as well as happy to find relevant information more easily in a couple of clicks. But like anything, there are various aspects we can improve! Read more...

Groovy Weekly #29

Keywords for today: beta Groovy website, Gradle roadmap, GR8Conf presentations! It’s a launch day! The launch of the beta of the Groovy website, mentioned in the news section (and also a bug fix release with Groovy 2.3.4). In the article section, you’ll find the link to Hans Dockter’s latest post on the Gradle forums which details what you can expect from future Gradle versions, and it’s very promising: think performance, parallelization, caching, sharing and tooling! Read more...

Groovy 2.3.4 is out

We’re happy to announce the bug-fix release of Groovy 2.3.4. In store, we continued on our hunt of bugs related to anonymous inner classes, and we have a big work on the compatibility of our AST transformations with static compilation. Download Groovy 2.3.4 from our new website: You can read the JIRA release notes. Thanks to all those who contributed to this release! Keep on Groovy-ing!

A new Groovy website in beta

The past few weeks, the Groovy team has been working on a new website for the project. Without further ado, let me introduce you to its beta: http://beta.groovy-lang.org. The website is actually a Groovy and Gradle application that you can fork and help us improve! So don’t hesitate to contribute fixes for things like typos or broken English, or suggest new relevant sections, etc. Your help will be welcome. Notice the “improve this doc” buttons on all pages which lead you to the relevant Github page that you can edit live, inline, on Github (if you’ve got an account already). Read more...

Groovy Weekly #28

A big week for the Gradle team as they’ve just announced the final release of Gradle 2.0! It’s of course a very important milestone for the project, and it’s nice to see that the migration to Groovy 2.3 as a baseline. There are also some updates to Grails, Ratpack, and also the launch of the Spring IO platform that you might be interested in. You’ll see also a list of job postings for Netflix, where Groovy is deployed at a very large scale and who are always seeking Groovy talents. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #27

This week, I’d like to highlight how you can contribute to the Groovy project! The Groovy core team is a very small team, compared to the huge team a company like Oracle puts behind Java and the JVM, or Microsoft behind its languages and the .Net platform. So all contributions, in any form, count, and are important to the success and evolution of the Groovy language. If you want to contribute to the code of Groovy, Cédric Champeau recorded a screencast showing how you can set up IntelliJ IDEA to be able to work on the Groovy codebase. Read more...