❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy news bits: API additions, contributing to the project, Eclipse plugin

With the recent release of Groovy 1.8.6, Groovy contributor Tim Yates, posted a few blog posts about some of the little useful enhancements that found their way in the release: Array#contains() Byte[]#encodeHex() the very useful collate() method Tim also wrote a really great and detailed blog post explaining how to contribute to the Groovy project. Be sure to check it out if you’ve always wanted to contribute to the project. Tim shows how to get started, to propose a new feature or bug fix through JIRA, how to submit a pull request through GitHub, etc. Read more...

Don't forget the GR8Conf Call for Papers

(http://gr8conf.org/), the Groovy ecosystem conference series, are coming to Denmark and to the USA in a few months. You’ll learn about the latest novelties about tons of great Groovy-based technologies, like Groovy, Grails, Gaelyk, Gradle, GPars, Griffon, Spock, CodeNarc and more. It’s the best place to engage with the community, get to know the developers of those projects, and present your success stories, and more. If you’re willing to speak at the conference about all those topics, please head over to the GR8Conf Call for Papers. Read more...

Groovy 1.8.6 released

The Groovy development team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 1.8.6. Groovy 1.8.6 is a maintenance release essentially, with a few minor improvements and new features. You can see the details in the JIRA release notes here: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10242&version=18245 You can download Groovy 1.8.6 in the Download section of the Groovy website: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download Thanks a lot to all those who contributed to this release! Next in line should be a new beta of Groovy 2. Read more...

Static type checking and compilation in Groovy 2

Cédric Champeau, the Groovy core developer working on static type checking and static compilation for Groovy 2, recently gave a very interesting and instructive presentation on this topic at the Paris Groovy / Grails User Group, at the VMware offices. You can have a look at his blog post about the presentation, including some additional comments regarding the method dispatch logic, some status update and directions. And you should also have a look at Cédric’s analysis of the polls embedded in the presentation which asked a few questions about people’s preferences and expectations with regards to statuc type checking and compilation. Read more...

GR8Conf Europe Call for Paper open

GR8Conf Europe 2012 will take place in Copenhagen, on June 6th-8th. It’s the best place to meet all the Groovy folks, from Groovy itself, and from the wealth of the Groovy Ecosystem (Grails, Gradle, GPars, Griffon, Spock, GContracts, CodeNarc, Gaelyk/Caelyf, etc). It’s also the best opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, and discover what’s cooking! The Call for Paper is open. So don’t hesitate to submit your proposal. Read more...

Mon One Man Show au Paris JUG

Lors de l’enregistrement du 50ème épisode des Cast Codeurs au Paris JUG, j’ai eu le plaisir de faire un petit “one man show” comique (enfin j’ai essayé) sur notre métier d’informaticien, les tendances du moment, les news et autres scoops, etc. Cette idée est partie d’une discussion avec Nicolas Martignole il y a 6 mois où l’on s’était dit que ce serait amusant de plaisanter un peu sur notre métier, les technos que l’on utilise, etc, et d’en faire une présentation humoristique. Read more...

Hans Dockter interview on Gradle

While at the Groovy/Grails eXchange conference in London last month, I had the pleasure and honour to interview Hans Dockter, creator of Gradle and CEO of GradleWare. This interview was recorded and published by SkillsMatter. Here’s a list of questions I had the chance to ask Hans: What’s Gradle? Any new about Gradle 1.0 and what’s being worked on? Why is Gradle using Groovy for its DSL? Is it possible to enforce conventions and standards à la Maven? Read more...

Tweets sympas sur Free Mobile

Xavier Niel a annoncé en fanfare l’arrivée de Free Mobile après un long suspense et un buzz savamment orchestré. Et j’ai retenu quelques tweets qui m’ont bien fait rire : Enfin on peut dire t’as un forfait à 2 balles mon gars Quand les mouettes changent d’opérateur, c’est qu’elles pensent qu’elles sont devenues des pigeons #Cantona Je ne regarderais plus jamais une pièce de 2€ de la même manière #Freemobile 19,99€ en tout illimité. Read more...

Caelyf 0.1, a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Cloud Foundry

I’m very happy to announce the release of Caelyf 0.1, a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Cloud Foundry. Caelyf is inspired by the Gaelyk project, and actually borrows most of its code base. Its goal is to let you write apps using Groovy scripts and templates, and then deploy them on the Cloud Foundry platform. Caelyf is Open Source, released under the Apache 2 license. Its source code is hosted on GitHub: https://github. Read more...

Groovy 1.8.5 and second beta of 2.0 out

The Groovy development team has just announced a joint release of Groovy 1.8.5 and a second beta of the upcoming 2.0 release. We’d be happy to hear your feedback on the static type checking support and the experimental static compilation as well. Here’s the official announcement: The Groovy development team is happy to deliver two new releases as early Christmas presents: Groovy 1.8.5 and 2.0-beta-2. While we work hard on Invoke Dynamic support, Static Type Checking and some experimental static compilation, we also find time to fix a good load of bugs and some minor improvements, as those two releases here are essentially minor incremental versions. Read more...