❯ Guillaume Laforge


Retrieve YouTube views count with youtubeDL, JQ, and a Docker container

I wanted to track the number of views, and also likes, of some YouTube videos I was featured in. For example, when I present a talk at a conference, often the video becomes available at a later time, and I’m not the owner of the channel or video. At first, I wanted to use the YouTube Data API, but I had the impression that I could only see the stats of videos or channels I own, however I think I might be wrong, and should probably revisit this approach later on.


The developer advocacy feedback loop

For one of the closing keynotes of DevRelCon Earth 2020, I spoke about what I call the Developer Advocacy Feedback Loop. People often think about developer relations and advocacy as just being about external outreach. However, there’s more to it! Developer Advocates are here to represent users, developers, technical practitioners, to influence the roadmap and development of the services and products to suit their needs. That’s the internal advocacy that loops back into improving the products.


Mais c'est quoi un Developer Advocate ?

J’ai eu le plaisir d’encadrer des stagiaires de 3ème récemment chez Google. Nous accueillons des enfants, neveux, nièces, cousins d’employés de Google (donc non :-P, je ne prends pas de stagiaire, pas la peine de demander !!!) pour leur faire découvrir les différents métiers que nous exerçons dans l’entreprise. Et il y en a beaucoup !

L’un de mes stagiaires m’a interviewé lorsque je décrivais mon travail de “Developer Advocate”, au sein de Google Cloud. J’ai trouvé cette interview intéressante, et je me suis dit que ça valait le coup de la partager avec vous, en Français (si, si, j’écris en Français parfois sur ce blog.)


A year as a Google Cloud Developer Advocate

Time flies! Last week was my first “Googleversary”: It’s already been a year since I joined Google Cloud as a Developer Advocate. What a ride it’s been so far!

I announced my move to Google in June last year. And since then got the chance to:

  • talk at more than 20 conferences or meetups
  • give 3 keynotes
  • write 36 articles
  • meet with a dozen customers or so
  • addressed literally thousands of developers

For some conferences, like Devoxx Belgium, I even spoke 5 times! Or for my trip to Singapore, I had 6 talks or workshops lined up!