❯ Guillaume Laforge


Deploy a Ratpack App on Google App Engine Flex

The purpose of this article is to deploy a Ratpack web application on Google App Engine Flex.

For my demos at conferences, I often use frameworks like RatpackGrails or Gaelyk, which are based on the Apache Groovy programming language. In a previous article, I already used Ratpack, but on a slightly more complex use case, but this time, I want to share a quick Ratpack hello world, and deploy it on Flex.

I started with a hello world template generated by Lazybones (a simple project creation tool that uses packaged project templates), that I had installed with SDKman (a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits). But you can go ahead with your own Ratpack apps obviously. Feel free to skip the next section if you already have an app.


Binge streaming web APIs with Ratpack, Cloud Ednpoints, App Engine Flex and Streamdata.io

At Devoxx last week, I had the chance to do a joint tools-in-action with my talented friend Audrey Neveu, titled Binge streaming you Web API:

In a fast-paced fashion, to keep you awake after long University sessions, Audrey and Guillaume will set you up to create a Web API using Google Cloud Endpoints, and stream the content of the API in real-time with Streamdata.io. After a quick introduction to both technologies, they’ll build together both the backend and the front-end to interact live with the audience, through the Web or via a mobile app.