❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy in Action, 2nd edition is not a myth!

It took us a while to get it finished, but I assure you it was well worth the wait, and Groovy in Action, 2nd edition, is real! I just received my copies this morning! Congrats to my fellow co-authors, and in particular to Dierk and Paul for their patience and dedication to this project, without whom the book would have never gone through its print stage!

Groovy in Action book now in Japanese!

After the German translation of Groovy in Action, there’s now a Japanese version also available! But not only has it been translated, but it has also been improved and covers Groovy 1.5.6 and contains fixes to all the errata of the original version. Here’s the announcement from Dierk: I’m very happy to announce that the japanese edition of “Groovy in Action” has just hit the shelves. Please visit the publisher’s page or on Amazon Japan. Read more...

Groovy, Grails, JSR-223, books, conferences and so on...

A lot of great and interesting things are happening these days on the dynamic language front. Of course, for those who’ve been there or followed the blog reports and articles, this year’s been a pretty Groovy year so far, as I had promised last year. For instance, the 6 sessions about Groovy & Grails at JavaOne 2006 were well attended and packed. But that’s not all, Groovy and Grails are present at variousevents, such as the iX conference in Germany, where Dierk Koenig and Marc Guillemot will be speaking. Read more...

Maven Developer's Notebook

I’m glad I just received my Maven Developer’s Notebook, from O’Reilly. My friend Vincent Massol and Tim O’Brien co-authored this great book on Maven, a definitely needed reading for all those who want to learn more about Maven, or who wants to get started quickly. I had the chance of being one of the reviewers and it allowed me to learn quite a few tricks in the process, at the same time I was converting one of my projects at work to a “mavenized” build process and integrating it inside Luntbuild for continuous integration. Read more...

Becoming an O'Reilly book author

A few months ago, O’Reilly contacted the Codehaus to find some Groovy experts for writing a book about Groovy, the scripting language for the JVM. I was very interested in writing such a book, and I asked another expert, Chris Poirier, if he’d fancy co-authoring the book with me, and he accepted. That’s how we started writing “Learning Groovy”, in the famous animals/learning series. This article is not about how to become an author, but rather, how O’Reilly helps you get up to speed with the task. Read more...