❯ Guillaume Laforge


On curiosity and sharing with the world

At the end of December, I was contacted by someone I didn’t know, who asked me some interesting questions, and that led me to quite a bit of introspection. As a Java Champion and with your career history. I wanted to ask you what you consider are the most important skills for a Java programmer to have in their toolbox, especially a Senior Java programmer? Or maybe even a better question is what skills you developed that helped you become the Java Developer/Groovy Language Developer that you are today. Read more...

Mais c'est quoi un Developer Advocate ?

J’ai eu le plaisir d’encadrer des stagiaires de 3ème récemment chez Google. Nous accueillons des enfants, neveux, nièces, cousins d’employés de Google (donc non :-P, je ne prends pas de stagiaire, pas la peine de demander !!!) pour leur faire découvrir les différents métiers que nous exerçons dans l’entreprise. Et il y en a beaucoup ! L’un de mes stagiaires m’a interviewé lorsque je décrivais mon travail de “Developer Advocate”, au sein de Google Cloud. Read more...

A year as a Google Cloud Developer Advocate

Time flies! Last week was my first “Googleversary”: It’s already been a year since I joined Google Cloud as a Developer Advocate. What a ride it’s been so far! I announced my move to Google in June last year. And since then got the chance to: talk at more than 20 conferences or meetups give 3 keynotes write 36 articles meet with a dozen customers or so addressed literally thousands of developers For some conferences, like Devoxx Belgium, I even spoke 5 times! Read more...

Joining Google as a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform

The cat is out the bag: I’m joining Google on June 6th, as a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform team! My Groovy friends will likely remember when I launched Gaelyk, a lightweight toolkit for developing Groovy apps on Google App Engine? Since then, I’ve always been a big fan of the Google Cloud Platform (although it wasn’t called that way then) and followed the latest developments of the whole platform. Read more...