❯ Guillaume Laforge


Video: the Pic-a-Daily serverless workshop

With my partner in crime, Mete Atamel, we ran two editions of our “Pic-a-Daily” serverless workshop. It’s an online, hands-on, workshop, where developers get their hands on the the serverless products provided by Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Functions — to develop and run functions, small units of logic glue, to react to events of your cloud projects and services App Engine — to deploy web apps, for web frontends, or API backends Cloud Run — to deploy and scale containerised services The theme of the workshop is to build a simple photosharing application (hence the play on words, with a picture a day) with those serverless products, but along the way, developers also get to use other services like: Read more...

Serverless tip #7 — Create mini APIs with Cloud Functions and Express routing

Requirements: an existing Google Cloud Platform account and project Cloud Functions should be enabled for that project Compared to the previous tip when using Exress’ request path attribute, we can take advantage of Express routing. So to support the following paths: https://us-central1-myproject.cloudfunctions.net/api/customers https://us-central1-myproject.cloudfunctions.net/api/customers/32 https://us-central1-myproject.cloudfunctions.net/api/customers/32/address We can have our functions require Express by adding Express in package.json: { "name": "mini-api-router", "version": "0.0.1", "dependencies": { "express": "^4.17.1" } } Then we can require that dependency in our new functions script: Read more...

Serverless tip #6 — Create a mini web API with Cloud Functions

Requirements: an existing Google Cloud Platform account and project Cloud Functions should be enabled for that project We often use individual HTTP Cloud Functions as a single endpoint, and we pass data to the functions with either query parameters, or via a POST body payload. Although it’s a good practice to keep the scope of a function small, however, you can easily write mini Web APIs for a given function, with different paths for different needs, like with usual Web frameworks. Read more...

Update on the recent serverless developments on GCP at DataXDay 2019

At DataXDay 2019, last week, I had the chance to present an updated version of my introductory talk on the serverless compute options on Google Cloud Platform. There’s always something new to cover! For instance, if I put my Java Champion hat on, I’d like to mention that there are new runtimes for App Engine standard, like the beta for Java 11, and there’s twice the amount of memory as before. Read more...

A serverless Java developer's journey

Last week at the Google Cloud Next conference, I had the chance to speak about the Java developer’s journey through the “serverless” offering of Google Cloud Platform, with my colleague Vinod Ramachandran (Product Manager on some of our serverless products): Serverless Java in 2019 is going to be ubiquitous in your favorite cloud. Well, it’s actually been 10 years since you could take advantage of Java on Google App Engine. But now you can run your apps on the brand-new Java 11 runtime. Read more...

New Serverless Solutions on Google Cloud for Functions Apps and Containers

At Voxxed Days Microservices, in Paris, I talked about the latest development in serverless solutions on Google Cloud Platform, to deploy functions, apps and even containers. I answered an interview on the theme of microservices, and how this maps to the Google cloud products. And the video of my presentation was published on YouTube: Here’s the abstract of the session: Plenty of novelties in the Serverless offering of Google Cloud Platform, whether you’re developing functions, apps or containers. Read more...

Building and deploying microservices with App Engine and Cloud Functions

A coupe weeks ago, I had the chance to talk at Cloud Next 2018, in San Francisco, with my colleague and friend Alexis. We talked about building and deploying microservices with Google App Engine and Cloud Functions. I’ve been a big fan of App Engine since 2009 when Google released the Java flavor, and have been enjoying doing a bit of Node / JavaScript on Cloud Functions since it came in beta. Read more...

Chatbots: switching the second gear

My buddy Wassim and I were back on stage together to talk about chatbots, with Actions on Google and Dialogflow, at DevFest Lille and Best of Web Paris. I’d like to share with you the slides of the presentation (the video has been recorded and will be available at a later time.) You might be interested in those two codelabs to get started on this journey: Build Actions for the Google Assistant - level 1 Build Actions for the Google Assistant - level 2 Here’s the presentation given at DevFest Lille: Read more...

Building your own chatbots with API.ai and Cloud Functions

A few weeks ago, my buddy Wassim and I had the chance to present again on the topic of chatbots, with API.AI and Cloud Functions, at the DevFest Toulouse conference. Here’s the latest update to our slide deck: There’s also a video (in French) of the same content from Devoxx France, where I was showing how to build a conference chatbot: Chatbots, per se, are not really new, in the sense that we’ve been developing bots for things like IRC for a long time, but back in the day, it was simply some regular expression labor of love, rather than the natural language that we use today. Read more...

A chatbot for the Devoxx conference agenda with API.ai and Cloud Functions

That’s Devoxx France this week, and I’ve had the pleasure of delivering today another talk on the theme of chatbots, using Cloud Functions for the business logic, API.AI for the bot cleverness, with a bonus of a demo through Google Home and the Google Assistant platform. I’ll post the YouTube video recording once it’s online, but in the meantime, I wanted to share my slides here: And the video in French: