❯ Guillaume Laforge


Get in the flow! The API developer workflow!

What are the activities of the Web API developer? How API tooling should not get in the way of developer’s productivity? I presented a talk on this topic at the GlueCon conference: The API ecosystem provides powerful tools, online services and definition formats for designing, testing, running, or managing APIs. All share common purposes: improve our productivity when developing an API, allow us to collaborate more effectively, or share our creations with the world! Read more...

A five-sided prism polarizing Web API development

At GlueCon, I presented about the 5-sided prism that polarizes Web API development: How do you tackle your API development? Are you diving head-first in the code to get something quickly out the door? Do you start by defining the API contract, that you’ll share between your teams and the consumers? Perhaps you prefer to describe your acceptance tests, explaining the behavior you expect from your API. But if you’re a storyteller, you’ll probably write some use cases, scenarios, to have a better feel for what your API is all about, and how your users will take advantage of it. Read more...

Back from JavaOne

After some trouble getting to San Francisco because of strikes, transportation issues, burnt control tower, and more… I managed to land to JavaOne! I missed my own first talk and I was glad and grateful that Cédric could present it for me. At JavaOne, the Groovy project received the award from ZeroTurnaround / RebelLabs, for the “Best Tech - Geek Choice Award” : Youpi mon projet a reçu un prix de l’innovation ! Read more...

Groovy related talks at JavaOne 2014

Oracle is publishing the agenda of the upcoming JavaOne 2014 conference. And I’d like to highlight the Groovy presentations I’ve noticed that you might be attending in following if you are in San Francisco: Groovy in the Light of Java 8 [CON5839] With Java 8 out the door, Java developers can at last benefit from the long-awaited lambdas to taste the newly found functional flavor of the language. Streams are there to work more easily and efficiently with heaps of data. Read more...

Groovy presentations at JAX

I had the pleasure of coming back to the JAX conference after a number of years of absence, and I presented about what makes Groovy groovy, and functional Groovy, showing the functional aspects of the language. Here’s the latest update of my What makes Groovy groovy presentation: And the Functional Groovy presentation as well:

Machine Learning à Mix-IT 2014

J’ai eu le plaisir de préparer et de présenter une conférence de 50 minutes sur le Machine Learning, avec mon ami Didier Girard, lors de la conférence Mix-IT 2014 à Lyon. 50 minutes, c’est court pour présenter un si vaste et passionnant sujet ! J’avais fait un peu de machine learning pendant mes études, mais je n’avais jamais eu l’occasion de m’y replonger dedans depuis. Mais aujourd’hui, avec de plus en plus de données récoltées (le “big data”, l’ “Internet of Things”…), il faut savoir apprendre de ces données, découvrir de nouvelles tendances, prévoir un comportement, classifier ces données… et le Machine Learning est ce qui vous permet de faire tout ça ! Read more...

Benefit from Groovy now: when, how, why

Last week, I was in Stockholm, Sweden, for the JFokus conference. Mattias Karlsson had invited me to speak about how to benefit from Groovy, how / when / why developers, projects, companies are using and adopting Groovy in their everyday life. So I crafted a brand new presentation illustrating those usage patterns, how they are applied, also giving some examples of existing projects or companies benefiting from Groovy in that way. Read more...

Interview on JAXenter about Groovy

Following up my presentations from JAX London, I was interviewed about Groovy for JAXenter, with questions about what Groovy brings to Java developers, the recent surge in popularity as Groovy broke the TIOBE index top 20 languages, my favorite projects in the Groovy ecosystem.

Groovy presentations at conferences

Last week, I was in London for the JAX London 2013 conference. I gave a presentation on what makes the Groovy programming language… groovy! It’s essentially an introduction to Groovy, its language constructs, its ecosystem, etc. It’s not focusing particularly on new features or on metaprogramming, but tries to bring the audience to the boilerplate killer that is Groovy. I’ve posted the slides on SpeakerDeck and I embed them below: Read more...

Functional Groovy presentation

I’ve had the pleasure of being invited at the Scala.IO conference to speak about the functional aspects of Groovy, as the conference was also open to other functional language. The Groovy programming language, since its inception, has always been pretty functional, in particular with the cornerstone that our Closures represent to serve as first-class citizen functions in the language. Inspired by other nice talks from Andrés, Paul, Arturo, I’ve created my own deck that I’ve posted on SpeakerDeck and that I embed below. Read more...