❯ Guillaume Laforge


Scaling a Swagger-based web API on Google Cloud Endpoints

I had the pleasure of presenting at the Nordic APIs Platform Summit 2016 in Stockholm this week. I enjoyed the conference a lot, with great speakers and content, flawless organization, and nice interactions with the audience.

For the last keynote of the conference, I had the chance to present about Google Cloud Endpoints, Google’s take on API management. I worked on a little “pancake”-powered demo, deploying a Ratpack application, in a Docker container, on Google Container Engine. I created an OpenAPI Specification describing my Web API that served pancakes. And used the Extensible Service Proxy to receive the API calls for securing (with an API key), monitoring (through the Cloud Console) and scaling my Web API (thanks to the scaling capabilities of Container Engine). This demo will be the topic of some upcoming blog posts.