❯ Guillaume Laforge


Tech Watch #4 — October, 27, 2023

The State of AI report is pretty interesting to read (even if long!). Among the major sections: research, industry, but also politics, safety, and some predictions. You’ll find an executive summary in one slide, on slide #8. On #22, emergent capabilities of LLMs is covered and mentions Stanford’s research that talks about the importance of more linear and continuous measures as otherwise capabilities sound like they emerge out of the blue. Read more...

Tech Watch #2 — Oct 06, 2023

Generative AI exists because of the transformer I confess I rarely read the Financial Times, but they have a really neat articles with animations on how large language models work, thanks to the transformer neural network architecture, an architecture invented by Google in 2017. They talk about text vector embeddings, how the self-attention makes LLM understand the relationship between words and the surrounding context, and also doesn’t forget to mention hallucinations, how “grounding” and RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) can help mitigate them to some extent. Read more...

Tech Watch #1 — Sept 29, 2023

Inspired my by super boss Richard Seroter with his regular daily reading list, I decided to record and share my tech watch, every week (or so). I always take notes of interesting articles I read for my own curiosity and to remember them when I need those references later on. But also to share them with Les Cast Codeurs podcast! So I hope it’ll be interesting to my readers too! Read more...