❯ Guillaume Laforge


Video: Getting started with Java on Google Cloud Functions

For the 24 hours of talks by Google Cloud DevRel, I recorded my talk about the new Java 11 runtime for Google Cloud Functions. I wrote about this runtime in this article  showing for example how to run Apache Groovy functions, and I also wrote about it on the  GCP blog  and Google Developers blog as well.

In this video, I’m giving a quick explanations on the serverless approach, the various serverless options provided by Google Cloud, and then I dive into the various shapes Java functions can take (HTTP and background functions), the interfaces you have to implement when authoring a function. And I also do various demonstrations, deploying Java functions, Groovy functions, or Micronaut functions!


Video: the Pic-a-Daily serverless workshop

With my partner in crime, Mete Atamel, we ran two editions of our “Pic-a-Daily” serverless workshop. It’s an online, hands-on, workshop, where developers get their hands on the the serverless products  provided by Google Cloud Platform:

  • Cloud Functions — to develop and run functions, small units of logic glue, to react to events of your cloud projects and services
  • App Engine — to deploy web apps, for web frontends, or API backends
  • Cloud Run — to deploy and scale containerised services