❯ Guillaume Laforge


Gaelyk presentation at SpringOne2GX

After sharing my slides for the DSL talk, and the Groovy update presentation, I’ll finish the tour with my presentation on Gaelyk.

Google App Engine's new pricing model

I’m quite disappointed by Google App Engine’s new pricing model. I was aware of the changes, the upcoming prices and quotas, but I wasn’t expecting my small low-trafic apps to go beyond the free quotas, and force me to have to pay for those small Gaelyk apps! The big problem is the cost of the “frontend instance hours”. An app running all the time, with low trafic, but enough to keep a frontend instance running all day will cost you 30 bucks a month with this new pricing policy. Read more...

Gaelyk 1.0 is out

I’m very happy to announce the final release of Gaelyk 1.0, the lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine! It took some time to get to 1.0, but it’s now here, with the key feature I’ve been missing since the beginning of the project, in particular the Query DSL which allows you to write queries like this one: def latestArticles = datastore.execute { select all from articles sort desc by dateCreated where author == params. Read more...


It was time I rebooted my old blog! It used to be in PHP, and it’s time to move to the next millenium with a blog engine written in Groovy, using the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit, and deployed on Google App Engine.

New important milestone for Gaelyk, with version 0.6 released

I’m very pleased to announce the release of Gaelyk 0.6. This new version is a pretty significant milestone, both in terms of features and quality. We’re really approaching a final 1.0 version! Here’s a list of the novelties, updates, and bug fixes. Updated to GAE SDK 1.4.0 and Groovy 1.7.6 Channel service added in the binding and added a convenient method for sending messages Ability to specify the “warmup request” handler through a route definition Added app. Read more...

Gaelyk 0.4.4 out with namespace/multitenancy support

I’m pleased to announce the release of Gaelyk 0.4.4! What’s new? Updated the Google App Engine SDK to the latest 1.3.7 version Jabber and incoming email groovlets now have their implicit logger (gaelyk.email and gaelyk.jabber) Plugins are now impacting Jabber and incoming email groovlets as well Fixed a bug the conversion of String to Datastore’s Category type Internal refactorings of the caching logic Added namespace support for multitenancy, added in SDK 1. Read more...

Devoxx presentation on Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk

I’m back from Devoxx, where I had a very pleasant stay, nice discussions with many attendees and speakers, and it’s always a great opportunity to meet friends you haven’t seen in a while! And this time, I was there with my friend Patrick Chanezon from Google, to speak about Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk. I’ve uploaded our slides on Slideshare, and you can view them embedded here on this blog: Read more...

Gaelyk 0.3 released -- a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine

Following the conference-driven development principle, right in time for the Devoxx conference and my session with my friend Patrick Chanezon on Google App Engine Java and Gaelyk/Groovy, I’ve just released a new version (0.3) of the Gaelyk lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine. This new version fixes a bug, adds some new capabilities, and bring a small change: The Google services bound to the Groovlets and templates through the binding have been renamed (except userService) to remove the service suffix There are some new methods for working with the memcache service, so you can use the map notation (subscript) to access elements of the cache, as well as using the ‘in’ keyword to check whether a key is present in the cache. Read more...

Gaelyk 0.2 released -- a lightweight toolkit for Google App Engine

Gaelyk is a lightweight toolkit for developing and deploying applications on Google App Engine. As Google recently released an updated version of their Google App Engine SDK, providing support for XMPP/Jabber messaging and Task Queues, I’ve worked on a new Gaelyk version providing support for these new features, with a Groovy touch. Gaelyk can be downloaded here: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/download/ You can have a look at the latest tutorial updated with coverage of: Read more...