❯ Guillaume Laforge


Some custom VS Code settings

I regularly use both IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio Code as my environments for developing. But like all tools, we often need to personalise them to our liking, to feel at ease, or to be more productive. As we read code more than we write, there are certain settings in your favorite editor to improve your reading experience. Today, I’ll share of the tweaks I’ve made to my VS Code settings.

You can edit some of the settings by opening the UI of the settings dialog box, but you can also edit the JSON file in which those settings are saved. On a Mac, for example, the settings.json file is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/.


Turning a Website Into a Desktop Application

Probably like most of you, my dear readers, I have too many browser windows open, with tons of tabs for each window. But there are always apps I come back to very often, like my email (professional & personal), my calendar, my chat app, or even social media sites like Mastodon or Twitter. You can switch from window to window with CTRL/CMD-Tab, but you also have to move between tabs potentially. But for the most common webapps or websites I’m using, I wanted to have a dedicated desktop application.


Machine learning applied music generation with Magenta

I missed this talk from Alexandre Dubreuil, when attending Devoxx Belgium 2019, but I had the chance to watch while doing my elliptical bike run, confined at home. It’s about applying Machine Learning to music generation, thanks to the Magenta project, which is based on Tensorflow.

I like playing music (a bit of piano & guitar) once in a while, so as a geek, I’ve also always been interested in computer generated music. And it’s hard to generate music that actually sounds pleasant to the ear! Alexandre explains that it’s hard to encode the rules a computer could follow to play music, but that machine learning is pretty interesting, as it’s able to learn complex functions, thus understanding what does sound good.


Decoding a QR code by hand

Doing sport at home on a treadmill or an elliptical bike is pretty boring, when you’re confined, so to make things more interesting, I’m watching some videos to learn something new while exercising. This time, I found this old video about how to decode QR codes… by hand! Have you ever thought how these were encoded?

This video comes from the Robomatics YouTube channel. You recognise easily QR codes thanks to the 3 big squares with the inner white line. I knew about the purple dotted lines that was fixed in those patterns. What I didn’t know however was that there’s a mask that is applied to the data, to avoid QR codes to potentially look all white or black. It was interesting to see also how the bytes were encoded: how they follow a path through out the matrix.


On curiosity and sharing with the world

At the end of December, I was contacted by someone I didn’t know, who asked me some interesting questions, and that led me to quite a bit of introspection.

As a Java Champion and with your career history. I wanted to ask you what you consider are the most important skills for a Java programmer to have in their toolbox, especially a Senior Java programmer? Or maybe even a better question is what skills you developed that helped you become the Java Developer/Groovy Language Developer that you are today.


Mais c'est quoi un Developer Advocate ?

J’ai eu le plaisir d’encadrer des stagiaires de 3ème rĂ©cemment chez Google. Nous accueillons des enfants, neveux, nièces, cousins d’employĂ©s de Google (donc non :-P, je ne prends pas de stagiaire, pas la peine de demander !!!) pour leur faire dĂ©couvrir les diffĂ©rents mĂ©tiers que nous exerçons dans l’entreprise. Et il y en a beaucoup !

L’un de mes stagiaires m’a interviewĂ© lorsque je dĂ©crivais mon travail de “Developer Advocate”, au sein de Google Cloud. J’ai trouvĂ© cette interview intĂ©ressante, et je me suis dit que ça valait le coup de la partager avec vous, en Français (si, si, j’Ă©cris en Français parfois sur ce blog.)


In the top 20 Java influencers for 2018

Just before heading to Google Cloud Next, I was notified I was listed 4th in JAX London’s Top 20 Java influencers of 2018 on social media! It’s an honor to be listed among famous figures like Josh Bloch, Brian Goetze, Martin Thompson, Arun Gupta, Jessica Kerr, Mario Fusco, Josh Long, Venkat Subramanian, Charles Nutter and many others. You can see the full list of the top influencers here.

I’ll definitely continue to advocate for Java (and Apache Groovy) developers around the world, and share whatever I learn along the way through articles or conference talks. I’m looking forward to meeting you, my fellow Java/Groovy developer friends, at an event near you.


Keynote: IT holy wars

A few months ago, I had some fun doing the keynote of Voxxed Days Singapore and JUG Summer Camp, and I realized I didn’t get a chance to share my deck. Furthermore, the videos of both events are actually available online: one in English, one in French!

I spoke about the so-called IT Holy Wars, you know, like Vi vs Emacs, Tabs & Spaces, or other funny things of that kind. How developers circle from client-side to server-side, how we are polarized across strong positions on certain frameworks or practices, on clean vs ugly code, on tooling (build, front, back), dark / light background themes for your IDE, how do you format dates, and more.


I'm a Java Champion!

The Java Champions recently nominated me to become a Java Champion!

There’s also a post on the Java Champions’ blog, and InfoQ also echoed the new nominees recently.

I’m super happy and proud of this nomination, and I’m looking forward to continuing being involved in the Java ecosystem, present at Java-friendly conferences, contribute to Open Source projects using Java and Apache Groovy, and write articles here and there using my favorite languages.


Groovy on instantserver.io thanks to GVM

I recently came across InstantServer.io, a nice little service that allows you to instantiate an Ubuntu server for testing, for 35 minutes, on Amazon EC2. You click on the green button, and you’re given an account and a password, as well as the details to connect onto the machine through SSH.

Please note that the service seems to be victim of its success, as requesting a new server takes more and more time it seems.