❯ Guillaume Laforge


Gemini Function Calling

A promising feature of the Gemini large language model released recently by Google DeepMind, is the support for function calls. It’s a way to supplement the model, by letting it know an external functions or APIs can be called. So you’re not limited by the knowledge cut-off of the model: instead, in the flow of the conversation with the model, you can pass a list of functions the model will know are available to get the information it needs, to complete the generation of its answer. Read more...

Get Started with Gemini in Java

Google announced today the availability of Gemini, its latest and more powerful Large Language Model. Gemini is multimodal, which means it’s able to consume not only text, but also images or videos. I had the pleasure of working on the Java samples and help with the Java SDK, with wonderful engineer colleagues, and I’d like to share some examples of what you can do with Gemini, using Java! First of all, you’ll need to have an account on Google Cloud and created a project. Read more...