❯ Guillaume Laforge


Serverless tip #3 — Use the Cloud Run button on your Git repository to deploy your project in a click


  • an existing Google Cloud Platform account
  • a Git or Github repository containing your project
  • your project can have a Dockerfile (but not mandatory)

With Cloud Run, you can easily deploy a container image and let it scale up and down as needed, in a serverless fashion:

  • No need to focus on infrastructure (provisioning servers, clusters, upgrading OS, etc.)
  • Your application can scale transparently from 0 to 1, and from 1 to n (no need for a pager when your app is featured on Hackernews)
  • You pay as you go, proportionally to the usage

If your project is hosted on Github, for example, how can you help users get started with your project? You usually explain all the steps needed to build a container image, or where to fetch a pre-made image from a hub, and then steps to actually deploy that image on the platform. But thanks to the Cloud Run button, you can add a button image on your README.md page for instance, and then users can click on it and get started with building and deploying to a GCP project automagically.


Billions of lines of code in a single repository, seriously?

When I joined Google last June, I discovered a new world: tons of new acronyms or project code names to learn about, but also a particular environment for your source code. At Google, engineers work on a huge monolithic source code repository comprising of: 

  • 1 billion files
  • 9 million source files
  • 2 billion lines of code
  • 35 million commits
  • 86 terabytes of content
  • 45 thousands of commits every day.

Rachel Potvin, who’s an engineering manager at Google, wrote an article for ACM about how Google handles such a huge repository, as well as the tools and practices around that. Wired also covered the topic in their article “Google is 2 billion lines of code and it’s all in one place”. And Rachel also presented this topic at the @Scale conference.