❯ Guillaume Laforge


Apache Groovy and Google App Engine at JavaOne

I’ll be back at JavaOne in San Francisco in October to speak about Apache Groovy and Google App Engine. Apache Groovy I’ve been involved with the Apache Groovy project for 14 years now, it’s a long time, and it’s interesting to see how the language has evolved over time, how it was influenced by other languages, but also how it influenced those other languages itself! Let’s see which operators or syntax constructs evolved and moved from one to the other. Read more...

Scale an OpenAPI based web API with Cloud Endpoints

InfoQ recently released a video from the APIDays conference that took place in Paris last year. I talked about scaling an Open API based web API using Cloud Endpoints, on the Google Cloud platform. I spoke about the topic a few times, as web APIs is a topic I enjoy, at Nordic APIs, at APIDays, or Devoxx. But it’s great to see the video online. So let me share the slide deck along with the video: Read more...

Scale Jenkins with Kubernetes on Google Container Engine

Last week, I had the pleasure to speak at the Jenkins Community Day conference, in Paris, organized by my friends from JFrog, provider of awesome tools for software management and distribution. I covered how to scale Jenkins with Kubernetes on Google Container Engine. For the impatient, here are the slides of the presentation I’ve given: But let’s step back a little. In this article, I’d like to share with you why you would want to run Jenkins in the cloud, as well as give you some pointers to interesting resources on the topic. Read more...

A year as a Google Cloud Developer Advocate

Time flies! Last week was my first “Googleversary”: It’s already been a year since I joined Google Cloud as a Developer Advocate. What a ride it’s been so far! I announced my move to Google in June last year. And since then got the chance to: talk at more than 20 conferences or meetups give 3 keynotes write 36 articles meet with a dozen customers or so addressed literally thousands of developers For some conferences, like Devoxx Belgium, I even spoke 5 times! Read more...

Flying East to Singapore

In two weeks, I’ll be flying east, much further east than I’ve ever been! I’ll visit Singapore! And I’ll have a pretty busy week with several events: conference, meetup, user groups, brown bag lunch… and I’ll talk about Groovy, Machine Learning, and chatbots! First of all, on Wednesday 31st, I’ll participate to the Singapore Java User Group, where I’ll give an update on Apache Groovy (the latest improvements, new features, the roadmap). Read more...

Machine Learning and Scaling Web Apis

The JAX conference, in Mainz, Germany, is coming to an end. I was there with my colleagues Mete and Robert, and had the chance to cover two topics: Machine Learning and Scaling Web APIs. It’s a pleasure to come back to this conference where the audience is always very focused, eager to learn, and is engaging in great and interesting conversations. Machine Intelligence at Google Scale My first presentation was about Machine Learning, and in particular with the Google Cloud APIs, including Vision, Speech, Natural Language, Translate, and Video Intelligence. Read more...

A chatbot for the Devoxx conference agenda with API.ai and Cloud Functions

That’s Devoxx France this week, and I’ve had the pleasure of delivering today another talk on the theme of chatbots, using Cloud Functions for the business logic, API.AI for the bot cleverness, with a bonus of a demo through Google Home and the Google Assistant platform. I’ll post the YouTube video recording once it’s online, but in the meantime, I wanted to share my slides here: And the video in French:

Testing Java 8 Snippets on the new App Engine Java 8 runtime

A new Java 8 runtime for Google App Engine standard is coming soon, and is currently in alpha testing. You can request to join the alpha program, if you want to try it out for yourself. But I wanted to let anyone play with it, easily, to see how well the Java 8 APIs work, but also to try some Java 8 syntax too. So here’s a web console where you can do just that! Read more...

Happy Pi Day! Google Home helps you learn the digits of Pi

You know what? It’s Pi Day today! Well, if you follow the American date standard, it’s 3.14 today, a nice approximation of Pi. Last year, in a past life, I had played with Pi already, but this year, my awesome colleagues (Ray, Sandeep, Francesc, Ian) have been working on some very cool demos around Pi, with the “Pi delivery”, at https://pi.delivery/ You can transform the Pi digits in a nice melody, show a D3. Read more...

Extending the Google Assistant with Actions on Google

Last week, in San Francisco, took place the Google Cloud Next 2017 conference, and I had the pleasure to co-present a session on “Extending the Google Assistant with Actions on Google”, with Brad Abrams, product manager on the assistant technology at Google. The Google Assistant is the conversational user interface that helps you get things done in your world. Actions on Google let you build on this assistance, while your integrations can help you engage users through Google Home on Pixel, Android and many other devices that connect with Google Assistant. Read more...