Back in 2009, I created Gaelyk, a lightweight toolkit for developing Google App Engineapps using the Apache Groovyprogramming language. I even had the chance to speak at Google I/O 2009about it! Good times, good times… Vladimír Oranýlater joined me in maintaining and evolving Gaelyk, and Kunal Dabircreated the fun Glide project, which is a thin wrapper around Gaelyk to further streamline the development of small to mid-sized apps for Google App Engine.
Today, I want to share with you a quick start guide to develop a little app, that shows some tweets from selected accounts with the Twitter API(thanks to Twitter4J), and using the Material Design Light template for the look’n feel (I used the “dashboard” template). I won’t list all the exact steps, all the precise changes made to the templates, etc, but I want to give you the keys for having a productive experience with Glide and Gaelyk on App Engine. And here’s a screenshot of what we’ll be building: