❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #77

It’s literally the eve of SpringOne2GX, in Washington DC! I’m flying tomorrow, for 9+ hours above the Atlantic, to gather with the cool kids of the Groovy ecosystem. I’m impatient to see some of my fellow readers and Groovy users around there.

And let me wish the Griffon framework and its team a Groovy birthday!





  • An interview by JaxEnter of Dierk König in German, where he says that Groovy is a pioneer language where innovative changes help shape the future of Java and other languages

Mailing-list posts






Groovy Weekly #76

Is it really already September? Time flies so fast in the Groovy ecosystem, and although the northern hemisphere was taking some Summer vacation breaks (at least that’s what I did!) there was quite a bit of interesting content published!

Regarding events, after successful and busy Greach, GR8Conf US/EU conferences, we’re getting ready for September’s SpringOne2GX in Washington! There’s still time to register and join the Groovy ecosystem affictionados! And I’m really eager to seeing you there.


Groovy Weekly #75

The not-so-weekly Groovy column is back for a summer edition on the shores of the Atlantic ocean (at least, that’s where I am now!) and there was a lot to catch up with in terms of news!

Ratpack is almost at 1.0, only a couple of weeks to go for the mythical release, whereas Gradle arrived in version 2.6, and some updates to the two main Grails lines were out too.


Groovy Weekly #74

Although on a more irregular schedule, Groovy Weekly continues in the summer with its 74th edition, crossing the bar of the 3000 total news items tracked since it all started!

Some interesting releases for this edition, like the Groovy 2.4.4 release under the Apache umbrella! After a failed attempt, our second try was succesful, and it was particularly important to get it right out the door, as an important security issue uncovered was fixed in this release, and all Groovy users (and frameworks and libraries using Groovy) should upgrade as soon as possible — especially as no older version will be released with the patch.


Groovy Weekly #73

It’s definitely not Tuesday, but nonetheless, lots of accumulated great and Groovy content to share with you all! It’s not easy to keep up the pace, sorry for the irregular timing of this column — I might have to remove the “Weekly” part of the name! But you won’t regret this edition, packed with so much content!

Already one month gone by since GR8Conf Europe 2015, but we have content to share about the event! And GR8Conf US 2015 is happening soon too! We also have presentations and videos from Gradle Summit and Greach 2015.


Groovy Weekly #72

This 72th edition is being authored live from the Hackergarten session at GR8Conf Europe 2015, in Copenhagen (Denmark), where Groovy hackers are working on various contributions to the Groovy and Grails ecosystem, updating Grails 2 plugins to Grails 3, crafting a Groovy UI builder for Android, or work on some Gradle plugins. A busy evening!

It’s been a little long while coming, but Groovy in Action 2nd edition has just been sent to the printers! And the ebook formats will also be available this week!


Groovy Weekly #71

GR8Conf Europe 2015 is literally around the corner, as the conference will start next week in Copenhagen! I’m really excited to be joining the usual flock of Groovy afictionados and talk all things Groovy.

Speaking of conferences, lots of new videos and accompanying slide decks have been released, so there are hours of binge watching ahead!

By now, I think I can stop reminding you about the move of Groovy from Codehaus to the Apache Software Foundation? (and the move of the mailing-lists, issue tracker, sources, etc.)


Groovy Weekly #70

Last week, Codehaus has gone the way of the dodo. The lights are switching off. A page is turning.

So please remember about our infrastructure changes, as we move the Groovy project through the incubation process at Apache: the JIRA issue tracker has moved, and don’t forget that the Groovy mailing-lists are also moving. The Apache Git repository is now the new mainline, but you can contribute pull requests on the new Apache Groovy Github mirror. Be sure to update all your bookmarks, and register on the new mailing-list!


Groovy Weekly #69

Groovy Weekly skipped a beat as I was very busy: I was very fortunate to spend my last week in California for various meetings, plus being a keynote speaker at JFrog’s SwampUp conference in Napa Valley. I had the chance to speak again about the Groovy release process and its history (based on my recent Devoxx talk).

Congrats to the Gradle team for releasing Gradle 2.4 with much faster builds!

Hurry up to register to GR8Conf Europe 2015, as registration closes on May 15th! Hurry up, and join the Groovy ecosystem fans gathering!


Groovy Weekly #68

Remember the Android support of Groovy 2.4? Well, the new New York Times Android application, written in Groovy and using RxJava is now live! If a hugely popular Android app is leveraging Groovy, yours can too!

With Groovy’s move to the Apache Software Foundation, don’t forget to star the new Groovy Github repository!

Don’t miss the interesting interviews of Jeff Brown and Guillaume Laforge.

Reminder about our infrastructure changes, as we move the Groovy project through the incubation process at Apache: the JIRA issue tracker has moved, and don’t forget that the Groovy mailing-lists are also moving. The novelty this week is that the Apache Git repository is now the new mainline, but you can contribute pull requests on the Apache Groovy Github mirror.