❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #27

This week, I’d like to highlight how you can contribute to the Groovy project! The Groovy core team is a very small team, compared to the huge team a company like Oracle puts behind Java and the JVM, or Microsoft behind its languages and the .Net platform. So all contributions, in any form, count, and are important to the success and evolution of the Groovy language. If you want to contribute to the code of Groovy, Cédric Champeau recorded a screencast showing how you can set up IntelliJ IDEA to be able to work on the Groovy codebase. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #26

So what’s new this week? We can highlight the first beta of Groovy 2.4 with the Android support, so users can start having a go at writing Android applications in Groovy! As well as bug fixes releases for Grails 2.3.x and 2.4.x. Let’s also mention the launch of the Gradle plugin portal, announced last week at the Gradle Summit. And you’ll find also lots of presentations from the conference. Releases Groovy 2. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #25

GR8Conf Europe is over, but there’s a lot to learn from the conference, with all the interesting conference sessions that took place there in Copenhagen. The themes for this week will be around GR8Conf, of course, but also about Groovy on Android, again the Swift language, and also the first impressive demo of Grails 3.0! Right after the conference also took place the annual Groovy DevCon meetup, gathering core members of the Groovy team, Grails team, and members of the Groovy ecosystem. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #24

Direct live from GR8Conf Europe! Several speakers already uploaded their presentation slides, as you shall see in the “presentations” sections. And the videos will be available later after the conference. At the same time in San Francisco, Apple is running its WWDC conference and announced the creation of a new language, Swift, that looks a lot like Groovy as several Groovy users have already noticed on Twitter. That’s nice to see Groovy also influences other languages! Read more...

Groovy Weekly #23

The big news of this edition is the release of Grails 2.4, with standalone GORM and GSP, with more static compilation that even understands dynamic aspects of Grails, with a new asset pipeline, with GORM sub-queries, and with a new Maven plugin. The other big news is that next week is the GR8Conf Europe week! So you’ll certainly see lots of nice and interesting presentations being put online next week. And I hope I’ll also be able to publish this weekly news brief in time too! Read more...

Groovy Weekly #22

Releases keep coming, with a second RC for Grails 2.4, with Gaelyk and Griffon upgrading to Groovy 2.3, and already a bug-fix release of Groovy with version 2.3.1! Don’t forget it’s the last week to register to the GR8Conf Europe conference! Releases Second release candidate for Grails 2.4 Guillaume Laforge announces a Groovy 2.3.1 bug-fix release Gaelyk 2.1.2 released, built atop Groovy 2.3.0 Kunal Dabir released version 2.1.2 of the Gaelyk template Andrés Almiray is upgrading Griffon 2. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #21

Now that Groovy 2.3.0 is out, it’s going to be Grails turn! Graeme announced a release candidate for Grails 2.4, so take your chance to test drive it to make Grails 2.4 an awesome release! Last but not least, you still have two weeks to buy your tickets for the GR8Conf Europe 2014! Releases Graeme Rocher announces the release of Grails 2.4 RC1 with Groovy 2.3 and Spring Framework 4.0.4 Version 0. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #20

Tthe big news of the week is the release of Groovy 2.3.0! With traits, support for running on JDK 8, new AST transformations, lightning fast JSON support, and more! Be sure to read the Groovy 2.3.0 release notes to get all the juicy details! And vote up the DZone link to make a bit of buzz on the small interview of Guillaume Laforge about the release. Also, Hubert Klein Ikking was on a blogging spree, as he wrote many new items in the Groovy Goodness series with snippets showing the new features in action. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #19

Another busy week for the Groovy ecosystem, with key releases of Groovy, Grails, Gradle, GPars, and CodeNarc! This can be labeled as a “release week”! Releases Guillaume Laforge announces the release candidate of Groovy 2.3 Guillaume Laforge announces the second release candidate of Groovy 2.3 Graeme Rocher announces a Grails joint release with Grails 2.3.8 and Grails 2.4-milestone-2 Gradle 1.12 released with some nice universal performance improvements, more control of the dependency resolution process, an improved API for IDE integration, Clang and CUnit support for native code and a slew of bug and compatibility fixes Release of GORM for MongoDB v3. Read more...

Groovy Weekly #18

The Easter bunny is delivering the latest Groovy Weekly column! With your chocolate eggs, you’ll get some bits of functional programming, a tutorial on Groovy traits, details of the JSON serialization performance improvements, and also get the chance of voicing your feedback on things like Groovy’s support of Java 8 lambda syntax, on the Ratpack async support, and more. Releases groovy-comprehension is a groovy extension module / AST transformation which provides simple list comprehension functionality similar to that of Haskell, Scala or Python. Read more...