❯ Guillaume Laforge


Groovy Weekly #35

Direct live from SpringOne2GX, in Dallas! So you can expect some news and presentations from the show this week and the next, and certainly tons of tweets!

Speaking of tweets from SpringOne2GX, you’ll notice the flurry of very positive and excited reactions regarding the upcoming Grails 3 release.

In the release section, don’t miss the release of Gradle 2.1.






Code snippets



Beta 3 for Groovy 2.4

The Groovy development team is happy to announce the release of a third beta for Groovy 2.4.

This release contains various bug fixes and minor improvements.

I’ll highlight the fact that you can now use multiple labels on your statements (instead of just one).

With beta-3 now, many of the unneeded synthetic methods generated by Groovy are not generated anymore, reducing the number of methods nicely yielding smaller bytecode. This is of particular interest for Android developers limited in the overall number of methods used in Android applications.


Groovy Weekly #34 back from vacations!

After a long summer break, it’s high time we resume Groovy Weekly, and come back to our every-Tuesday agenda! Get ready for lots of content!

If there were one particular item of news I’d like to highlight in this edition, that’s the news about the New York Times that is going to use Groovy and its Android support (in the upcoming Groovy 2.4), as well as RxJava, to revamp its Android application to make more “reactive”.


Disable @Grab with a global AST transformation

On the Groovy mailing-list, we had an interesting question about how to disable annotations like @Grab, to prevent users from downloading third-party dependencies. There are a few possibilities for that, but my favorite was to create a global AST transformation that would generate a compilation error if the @Grab annotation is found on an import.

I created a first small prototype within a script, but I used an injected local transformation to get everything working with a simple script. So I decided afterwards to do it for real this time, using a real project on Github with a proper global AST transformation this time.


Groovy Weekly #33

You probably remember Groovy and Gradle being selected in RebelLabs’ report as part of the 10 “kick-ass” technologies developers love? But I’m also happy to report that Groovy won the Geek Choice Award, showing how groovy Groovy is!

GR8Conf US 2014 last week is delivering tons of great videos and materials from all the speakers that came to the conference, and I hope you’ll find time to watch a few. My personal highlight was the great Q&A talk by Scott Hickey and Jim McGill on looking back into 9 years of using Groovy at a big US insurance company. Don’t miss it!


Groovy receives Geek Choice Award

RebelLabs launched an annual study and awards to select 10 “kick-ass” technologies that developers love, and both Gradle and Groovy were among the winners!

You can learn more about this “kick-ass” technology study in the PDF report they crafted and which can be downloaded there (form filing required to download the PDF).

Details are available for:

It’s always nice to see such reports and awards recognizing the great work and energy the Groovy and Gradle teams have been put into developing those technologies, and making developers around the world delighted to work with them.


Groovy Weekly #32

Live from GR8Conf US 2014, in Minneapolis, MN, USA! The code samples and slides of presentations are already flowing and are listed below in the presentations section. Lots of great content and talks to learn from.





Mailing-list posts


Code snippets




Groovy 2.3.5 out with upward compatibility

The Groovy team is pleased to announce the release of Groovy 2.3.5.

Groovy 2.3.5 is a bug fix release of our Groovy 2.3 branch.

You’ll find fixes for static compilation and type-checking, JSON serialization issues, markup template engine errors, and performance improvements.

We care a lot about backward and binary compatibility, but in this release, we also thought about upward compatibility, so that code compiled with a newer version can even run on an older runtime.


Groovy Weekly #31

The news keep flowing even in the summer!

It’s probably not new to you, my readers, but Groovy and Grails are kick-ass technologies, as reported by the RebelLabs report.

And did you know that Groovy is now the default scripting technology in the popular ElasticSearch? Or used by Jenkins in its Job DSL?

We even have rumors, with the potential acquisition of Groovy-powered SmartThings IoT platform by Samsung!

We also have more videos available of presentations from GR8Conf Europe, to prepare yourself for those who are attending GR8Conf US next week! See you there!


Groovy Weekly #30

The new Groovy website announced last week keeps on improving, thanks to your feedback and already many contributions through pull requests on Github!

To wet your appetite for GR8Conf US 2014 at the end of the month, we also have more GR8Conf Europe 2014 videos published last week!



  • Kunal Dabir created an “awesome-groovy” Github project providing a curated list of interesting Groovy-based projects


Presentations — GR8Conf Europe 2014

Mailing-list posts

Google+ posts


Code snippets
