Groovy Weekly #15
Although it’s April Fools day, I’ll spare you with some funny incredible surprise, but I will instead focus a lot on all the great, interesting and inspiring things that happened at the Greach 2014 conference, in Spain, Madrid. Also don’t miss the various links about the incoming support of traits in Groovy 2.3!
- Spring Boot 1.0 released, with its nice Groovy support
- Ratpack 0.9.3 released
- Glide 0.3.2 released, with latest Gaelyk 2.1.1 and Google App Engine 1.9.1 into the mix
- A new version of the GVM SDK was released
- The completely Groovy Continuous Integration Server, SimpleCI, is now stable, and is on a rolling release cycle
- Sergei Egorov shares his MacroGroovy project, to simplify the creation of AST transformations
- Guillaume Laforge presented the present and future of Groovy at Greach 2014
- Metaprogramming with Groovy, presentation by Iván López at Greach 2014
- Jeff Beck presented his experience about using Grails in microservice architecture, at Greach 2014
- Marco Vermeulen demonstrated BDD with Cucumber and Groovy at Greach 2014
- The slides and code from Greach 2014 of Marco Vermeulen’s Micro Services with Spring Boot and Groovy
- A very funny but highly interesting presentation from Burt Beckwith, given at Greach 2014, about the worst Grails practices
- Burt Beckwith detailed the novelties in Grails spring-security-core 2.0, in this Greach 2014 presentation
- Slides and code from Russel Winder’s Greach 2014 presentation on Groovy, GPars, @CompileStatic, “invoke dynamic” and Java 8
- At Greach 2014, Alonso Torres presented “understanding GORM”
- Steve Pember presented on reactive architectures at Greach 2014
- Schalk Cronjé talked about Groovy VFS at Greach 2014
- An intro presentation of Groovy and Grails by the “Gr8 ladies” of Minneapolis
- CĂ©dric Champeau is listening for feedback on the upcoming Groovy 2.3 traits implementation, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! (the included snippets are not displayed but can be found in the sources)
- Brendon Anderson on a Groovy time with UPnP and WeMo
- MrHaki shows how to deal with multiple Grails bootstraps
- During his presentation at Greach 2014, Burt Beckwith mentioned a blog post about hash password conversion he wrote
- David Estes shows how to dynamically find views in Grails
- Some first impressions on using Grails with Angular.JS
Code snippets
- CĂ©dric Champeau shows how he replaced @Mixin with the upcoming traits from Groovy 2.3
- Examples of Groovy 2.3 runtime traits support by CĂ©dric Champeau
- A Ratpack 0.9.3 example by Russell Hart, showing authentication at work with the pac4j module
- CĂ©dric Champeau notes that GrooScript (the Groovy to JavaScript “transpiler”) would deserve more attention!
- If you want to contribute to Ratpack, here’s the list of contributions you can make
- Alonso Torres remarks the lack of Scalability talks about Grails at conferences… probably because Grails just scales :-)
- A big zoom of CĂ©dric Champeau and Guillaume Laforge on the funny Groovy knights panel at Greach 2014
Other news
- GVM welcomes Glide as a new “candidate”
- A Groovy / Grails / Cassandra job in Paris, France
- Biotech startup in Boston looking for a Grails developer
- Who wants to be made a Groovy knight? A nice panel where to put your heads was in the hallways of Greach 2014
- Yeray Darias Camacho took several notes on the presentations given at Greach 2014, and published them on flickr
- Schalk Cronjé drawed many little graphical notes about the sessions he attended at the Greach 2014 conference
- A new Groovy/Grails user group in San Diego has launched by Vahid Pazirandeh