❯ Guillaume Laforge


Gaelyk 0.4.4 out with namespace/multitenancy support

I’m pleased to announce the release of Gaelyk 0.4.4!

What’s new?

  • Updated the Google App Engine SDK to the latest 1.3.7 version
  • Jabber and incoming email groovlets now have their implicit logger (gaelyk.email and gaelyk.jabber)
  • Plugins are now impacting Jabber and incoming email groovlets as well
  • Fixed a bug the conversion of String to Datastore’s Category type
  • Internal refactorings of the caching logic
  • Added namespace support for multitenancy, added in SDK 1.3.7:
    • a namespace is added in the binding, pointing at NamespaceManager, the SDK class dealing with namespaces
    • a new method namespace.of("customerA") { ... } to execute a closure in the context of a specific namespace

Although I haven’t mentioned it in the notes above (on on the download page), some of the internal refactorings of the caching and routing logic have also helped solving problems with the blobstore support. Please report back to me if it’s working as expected, for text content as well as binary content stored in blobstore (the latter was problematic in 0.4.3).


Nicer DSLs in Groovy 1.8 thanks to Extended Command Expressions

A quick heads-up to tell you about an upcoming Groovy 1.8 feature which will allow us to make nicer DSLs. This feature will be available in Groovy 1.8-beta-2, which will probably be released before JavaOne.

Lidia Donajczyk was our Google Summer of Code student this year, working on the implementation of GEP-3, an extension to Groovy’s command expressions. You can have a look at the GEP-3 page for the guiding ideas behind this enhancement proposal.


GR8Conf: the European conference dedicated to the Groovy ecosystem is back!

The GR8Conf is back! A conference dedicated to Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Gradle, Spock and more! This second edition of the conference takes place in Copehagen, Denmark, again like last year. And it’s solely dedicated to the Groovy Ecosystem, and all the GR8 technologies based on it.

Over two days, in a single track (to avoid missing important sessions because of too much choice), you’ll hear about:

  • the Groovy dynamic language for the JVM
  • the Grails web application stack based on Spring, Tomcat and Hibernate
  • the Griffon swing application framework for rich desktop applications
  • the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit for easily developing and deploying small applications to Google App Engine
  • the Gradle build solution system
  • the GPars parallel library for Groovy

And some advanced talk on:


Final release of Groovy 1.7!

The Groovy development team and SpringSource are very pleased to announce the final release of Groovy 1.7, the most popular and successful dynamic language for the JVM! After two betas and two release candidates, we’re are happy to deliver this new and very important milestone to our ever growing user base.

Over the years, the Groovy project has managed to grow a community, but not only that, a very rich and active ecosystem of Groovy-related projects: theGrails web stack, the Griffon swing application framework, the Gant and Gradle build solutions, the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit for Google App Engine, the Gparsparallel system, the Easyb and Spock testing frameworks and the GMock mocking library, the CodeNarc and GMetrics quality tools, and many more! With all these initiatives, the world is even groovier and we’re thankful these projects have helped us shape what Groovy is today.


Release train: Grails 1.1.2, Groovy 1.6.6 and 1.7-RC-1, as well as Gaelyk 0.3.2

Big release days!

  • Yesterday, Grails 1.1.2 was pulled from the oven, while waiting for Spring 3 to be available to release 1.2.
  • Today, we released Groovy 1.6.6 and 1.7-RC-1, bringing use closer to the final 1.7 release, which would take place before Christmas.
  • And tonight, I’ve also updated Gaelyk 0.3.2, the lightweight Groovy toolkit for developing applications on Google App Engine. In particular, have a look at the URL routing support and the few bug fixes and also at my presentation at the Devoxx conference.

Have fun and enjoy those releases!


Devoxx presentation on Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk

I’m back from Devoxx, where I had a very pleasant stay, nice discussions with many attendees and speakers, and it’s always a great opportunity to meet friends you haven’t seen in a while! And this time, I was there with my friend Patrick Chanezon from Google, to speak about Google App Engine, Groovy and Gaelyk. I’ve uploaded our slides on Slideshare, and you can view them embedded here on this blog:

Google App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk


Gaelyk 0.2 released -- a lightweight toolkit for Google App Engine

Gaelyk is a lightweight toolkit for developing and deploying applications on Google App Engine.

As Google recently released an updated version of their Google App Engine SDK, providing support for XMPP/Jabber messaging and Task Queues, I’ve worked on a new Gaelyk version providing support for these new features, with a Groovy touch.

Gaelyk can be downloaded here: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/download/

You can have a look at the latest tutorial updated with coverage of:

  • sending / receiving XMPP/Jabber messages,
  • using Task Queues,
  • also an example of how to do queries on the datastore has been added. Read the tutorial here: http://gaelyk.appspot.com/tutorial/

The Gaelyk website uses that new version of Gaelyk, as well as the latest 1.2.5 SDK for Google App Engine. The Groovy Web Console will also be updated shortly to use that new version.


Griffon, the holy grail of Swing, is one year old

Time flies, soooo fast! Griffon, the Groovy MVC framework for building desktop applications, is already one year old. Developers know Groovy and Grails very well, but there are many other Groovy-based tools and frameworks, and Griffon is a very nice and successful animal of the Groovy ecosystem.

Others are already celebrating this first anniversary on twitter, as well as in the blogosphere, like some of the Griffon developers:

With tons of plugins, books in the writing, Griffon is really gaining a lot of momentum and mindshare!


Write Groovy applications on Google App Engine!

The news has already spread all around, even on our mailing-lists, but let me echo it again here:

Groovy is now supported in the newly released Google App Engine Java platform!

My friend Didier Girard beats me to it and had already blogged about the support of both Java and Groovy (in French). He was quicker than me… or at least woke up earlier than me ;-)

SpringSource’s worked with Google to ensure that Groovy would run well on their platform. Big thanks to the work of Jochen Theodorou, Matt Taylor and myself, for making this possible!


Announcing the GR8 Conference: a conference dedicated to Groovy, Grails and Griffon

I’m pleased to announce here the organization of a European conference dedicated to Groovy, Grails and Griffon:GR8 Conference — Copenhagen — May 2009

The GR8 Conference is an affordable two-day conference taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 18th and 19th 2009, organized by Javagruppen(Danish JUG) and SpringSource, dedicated to the Groovy dynamic language, the Grails web framework, the Griffon Swing framework, and other great technologies — hence the pun and code name GR8.