❯ Guillaume Laforge


Trying out Apache Groovy's new Antlr4 parser with Java 8 support

Apache Groovy is coming up with a new parser, that supports the Java 8 syntax elements, as well as some new notation and operators of its own (like !in, !instanceof or ?[] for safe navigation with collections, or with ?= for Elvis assignment). I blogged recently about the fact that you can try this new flavor online on this forked Groovy Web Console version, without the need of installing everything. But today I’ll tell you how to build it for yourself in order to run it on your machine. Read more...

Flying East to Singapore

In two weeks, I’ll be flying east, much further east than I’ve ever been! I’ll visit Singapore! And I’ll have a pretty busy week with several events: conference, meetup, user groups, brown bag lunch… and I’ll talk about Groovy, Machine Learning, and chatbots! First of all, on Wednesday 31st, I’ll participate to the Singapore Java User Group, where I’ll give an update on Apache Groovy (the latest improvements, new features, the roadmap). Read more...

Testing Java 8 Snippets on the new App Engine Java 8 runtime

A new Java 8 runtime for Google App Engine standard is coming soon, and is currently in alpha testing. You can request to join the alpha program, if you want to try it out for yourself. But I wanted to let anyone play with it, easily, to see how well the Java 8 APIs work, but also to try some Java 8 syntax too. So here’s a web console where you can do just that! Read more...

My G3 Summit Apache Groovy Keynote

This week, I’m in Florida for the brand new G3 Summit conference, dedicated to the Apache Groovy ecosystem (Grails, Gradle, and more). I had the chance of giving the keynote, where I gave an overview of the Apache Groovy project’s philosophy, history, and where it’s heading. In the second part, I’m showcasing the new features, new syntax constructs, already there or coming in Groovy 2.4.x, in the future Groovy 2.5, and in Groovy 3. Read more...

Binge streaming web APIs with Ratpack, Cloud Ednpoints, App Engine Flex and Streamdata.io

At Devoxx last week, I had the chance to do a joint tools-in-action with my talented friend Audrey Neveu, titled Binge streaming you Web API: In a fast-paced fashion, to keep you awake after long University sessions, Audrey and Guillaume will set you up to create a Web API using Google Cloud Endpoints, and stream the content of the API in real-time with Streamdata.io. After a quick introduction to both technologies, they’ll build together both the backend and the front-end to interact live with the audience, through the Web or via a mobile app. Read more...

Scaling a Swagger-based web API on Google Cloud Endpoints

I had the pleasure of presenting at the Nordic APIs Platform Summit 2016 in Stockholm this week. I enjoyed the conference a lot, with great speakers and content, flawless organization, and nice interactions with the audience. For the last keynote of the conference, I had the chance to present about Google Cloud Endpoints, Google’s take on API management. I worked on a little “pancake”-powered demo, deploying a Ratpack application, in a Docker container, on Google Container Engine. Read more...

Viewing my Groovy source files in Stackdriver's debug view

As I was working on a demo for one of my talks at Devoxx, I was encountering a bug in my Groovy code (a Gaelyk app using Glide). I had deployed a new version of my App Engine app, changing some code to persist some data in the Datastore. After those changes, I saw a trace in the logs: Looks like there’s an error in receiveTweet.groovy on line 11. And there’s a link! Read more...

JavaOne 2016 sessions

Next week will be this time of the year where tons of Java developers are gathering & meeting in San Francisco for JavaOne. It’ll be my 10th edition or so, time flies! This year, I’ll participate to a couple sessions: Java and the Commoditization of Machine Intelligence [CON2291] It’s a panel discussion with representative from IBM, Microsoft and Google to talk about Machine Learning APIs. I’ll be covering the ML APIs from Google Cloud Platform: Vision, Speech, Natural Language. Read more...

Web scraping and REST API calls on App Engine with Jsoup and groovy-wslite

After my Twitter sentiment article, those past couple of days, I’ve been playing again with the Cloud Natural Language API. This time, I wanted to make a little demo analyzing the text of speeches and remarks published by the press office of the White House. It’s interesting to see how speeches alternate negative and positive sequences, to reinforce the argument being exposed. As usual, for my cloud demos, my weapons of choice for rapid development are Apache Groovy, with Glide & Gaelyk on Google App Engine! Read more...

Sentiment analysis on tweets

What’s the mood on Twitter today? Looking at my little twitter demo from a few weeks ago (using Glide & Gaelyk on Google App Engine), I thought I could enrich the visualization with some sentiment analysis to give more color to those tweets. Fortunately, there’s a new API in Google-town, the Cloud Natural Language API (some more info in the announcement and a great post showing textual analysis of Harry Potter and New York Times)! Read more...